Obama Speaks Up About Trayvon Martin – And Information Jury Knew Becomes Public

BH Obama released a written statement concerning the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial and it is a statement that reflects that this president is not concerned about a nation divided, if he did he would not have made his “If I had a son” statement. Now he calls for people to accept the verdict, while his DOJ is seeking ways to enact revenge, requested by the racial organization of NAACP [founded by Mary “White” Ovington] …

And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son.

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Barack Obama’s “Change” – Plan B

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.
George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

An example of what Tahir Square - Egypt - No Obama Signour first president meant about not getting involved with foreign politics. The gist of it is that the United States has only one persuasion to foreign national governments – it’s money, and Barack Obama and his insistence in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood that has been the backbone of Jihad for centuries since it evolved from its origination in Saudi Arabia. Great celebration is in Tahrir Square while another Egyptian government falls, with anti-Morsi people enthusiastic. Meanwhile, murder, mayhem, rape and/or looting continues.

While John Kerry was aboard his yacht at Nantucket, Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, as useful as a tick on a dog’s ear, was on the telephone being as incompetent as usual. He was trying to urge Egypt’s army general to perform a “peaceful” transition. Obama, former community organizer and incompetent senator, is surrounded by staff that is as incompetent as he is.


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And the Insanity Continues: June 2013

Today I have a listing of general news and events …

hand_point2  The Obamacare System is Collapsing – Floyd Brown … it’s collapsing before it can be implemented. … It’s so complex and byzantine that the government is struggling to implement the law. … The full implementation of Obamacare is supposed to happen January 1, 2014. But how are the 45 million uninsured Americans supposed to sign up if there isn’t a place to sign up? … Health insurance rates are doubling, tripling and even quadrupling. [no source given] Aetna has announced that it’s pulling the plug on California. … Opponents of Obamacare don’t have much courage. If they did, Obamacare would already be gone. … The best plan of action is not to aid Obama and try to fix it piecemeal. Allow it to fail in full view so voters become committed to total repeal.

hand_point2  Supreme Court Ruling You Didn’t Hear About – Marty Biancuzzo: In Houston, Texas, a citizen was not read his Miranda rights and the court used the Fifth Amendment rights against him. The US Supreme Court ruled against the defendant, Mr. Salinas; who went to the police station voluntarily when officers asked to speak to him. The Supreme Court ruled that Salina’s silence could be used against him because of one key factor: When police ask potentially damaging questions, merely keeping your mouth shut is not the same as invoking your right to remain silent. According to the Supreme Court if you speak any words when being questioned, you lose your Fifth Amendment rights. Is it not despicable that the justices in our Supreme Court knows less than the common citizen? It is not that they do not know the Bill of Rights, they pick and choose what they want to pay attention to, like the other two branches of government.

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Info Highway: Insanity and Criminality of OUR Government – Those Who Operate It

Button_Newsboy-Extra_animatedhand_point2Connecticut, Yahoo News/AP … Following the state of New York in wrongful thinking that criminals will be stopped by harassing and banning firearms from the hands of lawful citizens, circumventing the Second Amendment, the state of Connecticut where the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre took place is going against what statistics from 1990 to 2012 clearly indicate – more firearms in the hands of the People equals less violent crimes, not more. The state of Connecticut already has draconian firearm laws that did not prevent Adam Lanza from killing his mother and then using her car to transport her stolen firearms to commit horrific crimes. Of course, leftist Politico recently posted an article that identified Adam Lanza with the NRA in a corporate media intention of making the respected firearm sport association appear to be part of the problem like video games and other social inanimate objects, just like blaming firearms for bad behavior of people. A situation or resolve involves more than just one issue, and because there will always be deranged and evil people amongst us, their violent and criminal acts will never be stopped no matter how much freedom is taken away from citizens. Indeed, the data proves otherwise. However, this means nothing to politicians who use the emotion of fear and sorrow of those families of the victims to further their long-term agenda of dismantling the US Constitution and further establishing their power cancelling out what was once the government For the People and By the People.
It was Reuters [“UnionLeader”] who initially reported that documents were found that Adam Lanza had NRA certificates in the name of himself and his mother, Nancy Lanza.

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Amnesty, 2nd Amendment, and Constitution

If we had a Paul Revere today, he would be yelling out the Anti-Constitutionalists Are Coming! – instead of the British.
We the People, those who are Liberty Patriots, have two important legislations to stop: one is for amnesty and the other is the firearm and magazine ban, including forced registration. This Executive administration has performed several transgressions against OUR Constitution and code of ethics of public officials.
We need Liberty Patriots again, as in 1776, which must awaken enough Americans to make a stand against the anti-constitutionalists. Those who have fallen for deceptions coming from both sides of the political divide, and I advise Liberty Patriots that you can go much farther using logic and the Constitution as your source, rather than getting into name-calling banter. Indeed, this usually occurs with the liberals when you present facts and reliable sources. They just do not want to be wrong, so they get angry.

State of Our Union: Fiscal Cliff Bill Passes Congress for Obama’s Signature – and Income Tax Still in Effect

This time of the year, everyone is concerned with taxation and the complicated process of filing year-end income tax with hopes of a refund in the early part of the New Year. I would rather make money without government taking whatever portion they decide and have NO refunds because there would be NO deductibles. Part of the difficulty of getting rid of income tax is that people have made it their form of income to make money from taxpayers’ misery.

Constitution 101: No One Should Be Above the Law

John Pickering

John Pickering(1737-1805) was a US district court judge for New Hampshire, appointed by George Washington in 1795. He was the first of thirteen federal judges to have been impeached. During his tenure he was suspected of conducting his duties while intoxicated, and after a length of time, he was removed from court by impeachment in 1804. At the time, and according to the Judiciary Act of 1801, circuit judges could replace an incapacitated district judge temporarily. The rule was designed, however, in case of illness or injury that could prevent a district court judge from performing their duties. The Sixth Congress passed the act at the end of John Adam’s administration. It was overturned by the Jefferson administration, which considerably increased the Federal judicial establishment of the United States. It was considered a last ditch effort of the Federalists Party under John Adams to retain control of the judiciary.

Some of Judge Pickering’s friends tried to cover the fact that he was a drunkard, hypochondria, and hydrophobic. The Federalists advised him not to resign his office, so he remained on the bench until 1804. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson brought the matter to the attention of the House of Representatives, but the Senate trial did not take place until March of 1804.

…the President, Vice President and all civil officers of the US, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

That statute had been borrowed from English law, as many points of the US Constitution had been when it was drafted. Its legal meaning included disability that included physical, mental, or psychological impairment. Pickering’s lawyer had insisted that insanity was Judge Pickering’s problem, not inebriation, and so was neither a high crime nor a high misdemeanor. Pickering was known to be deteriorating mentally fighting against hypochondria symptoms. He was deathly afraid of water and would never cross a river even by bridge. The argument against Judge Pickering’s lawyer was that the statute did not state “high” misdemeanor, just misdemeanor. In addition, insanity is an impairment of mental faculties, therefore it was not a valid argument. Thus, Judge Pickering was removed from office when found guilty at the impeachment hearing/trial.
John Marshall

During the impending case against Judge Pickering, the Federalist Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall challenged the Jefferson administration’s decision of Marbury v. Madison. The case affirmed that federal courts could review congressional legislation and lecture elected officials.

William Marbury was part of the judiciary in the District of Columbia, nominated by John Adams, and the Senate confirmed his appointment. The Secretary of State, later Chief Justice John Marshall, failed to deliver Marbury’s signed commission, so he could not officially take office. Marshall’s successor was a Republican, so as the Secretary of State refused to deliver Marbury’s commission, focus was upon Marshall’s incompetence. James Madison succeeded John Marshall as Secretary of State, but still Marbury’s commission was not delivered, so he sued Madison in the Supreme Court.
During the ratification of the Constitution, Federalists had stated that Federal courts would have power of judicial review and Republicans, like Patrick Henry, hoped they would use the power.
In the federal system there were two kinds of courts: state courts (general jurisdiction) and federal courts (limited jurisdiction). Before a federal court gets involved with a case, it must decide whether the case falls under constitutional jurisdiction.
Marshall argued that to deny Marbury his commission was unconstitutional, and so was the Judiciary Act of 1789, which provided Madison a writ of mandamus.
Samuel Chase

Another big event of the period was the case of Justice Samuel Chase. Republicans accused Chase, a Federalist, of abusing his office in the interest of bias politics. The main argument was that the Sedition Act prosecution of James Callender, a journalist who had written negative articles against John Adams, demanding his impeachment.

Associate Justice Chase’s behavior in the trial was against his judicial oath, which, part, reads:

I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me.

Justice Chase had –

…selected the victim, announced his intentions to punish him for his atrocious and profligate libel, procured his presentation by the grand jury, refused to excuse jurors who confessed their bias against the accused, and identified himself with the prosecution, and took every means to discredit and disable counsel for the defense.

It was not the first time that Chase had performed in such unacceptable behavior as an Associate Justice. The House of Representatives believed Chase should be removed from office through impeachment. His guilt was proven beyond any doubt that he conducted himself in a prejudiced and partisan manner that made him unfit for the duties of his office. The Senate acquitted him on the pretense that he had not committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
The gist of the Constitution was English law, and the word high was a term associated with high office and with political misbehavior, not just social misbehavior. As when a president lies under oath and provides false testimony in the case of the impeachment trial of William J. Clinton.

In the late 18th century, Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone (1757) was the foundation of American legal education, who wrote:

…the first and principal [high misdemeanor] is the ‘mal-administration’ of high offices, as are in the public trust and employment. This is usually punished by the method of parliamentary impeachment.

As English laws high crimes and misdemeanors pointed out, it refers to the cases of judges mislead their sovereign by unconstitutional opinions and attempts to subvert the fundamental laws, and introduce arbitrary power.

Justice Chase did commit high crimes and misdemeanors, just as William J. Clinton did in the 1990s. Jefferson concluded that the impeachment clause was useless and did not prevent judicial misbehavior, just as it does not apply to the executive office today, because politicians in Congress either do not understand the law or fail to act upon it.
Later Jefferson wrote:

…they [federal judges] consider themselves secure for life; they skulk from responsibility to public opinion, the only remaining hold on them. … A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.

The Chase acquittal set the precedent that a federal judge may disobey their oath because it is not an indictable criminal defense by ignoring or rewriting a statute or the Constitution, and no repercussion is presented. Just as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in an Egyptian TV interviewdenounced the Constitution as outdated and inapplicable to the changing world – she violated her oath of office. Why is she a Supreme Court Justice if she does not believe in the Constitution of the United States?
Did she lie to Congress during her appointment interviews?
She certainly lied when she took her oath of office. To my knowledge she was not even reprimanded. Above the law she is sworn to protect?
The US Constitution is NOT against human rights.
So what is Justice Ginsberg talking about?
Constitutional law does not suit Justice Ginsberg because it does not suit her personal advocacy and her political avenues.
The Marshall Supreme Court used the Chase case as precedence in future cases. The Fletcher v. Peck case of 1810 is a good example of injustice and transgression against constitutional law.
Federal judicial power to supervise state judiciaries was established with Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee.
In the Philadelphia Convention, it was proposed that Congress have the power to veto state laws it judged unconstitutional. The Convention decided to have a federal government with limited powers instead of a national government with unlimited power. However, because of the 10thAmendment, all states who had joined the Union had conceded that the US Constitution and its amendments was the law of the land; but state governments could, through passed legislation and governor signature could add to or include regulations and laws that pertained to their states and the will of the people.
The Constitution created a federal system where state governments, through elections, were held responsible by the people of the states. That was replaced by a group of lawyers, appointed by the president, given lifetime tenure without checks and balances and does not uphold their oath of office. The 10th Amendment is too often ignored.
In school textbooks, Chief Justice Marshall is made to look the hero, based upon the concept that Supreme Court decisions, not the Constitution, are instrumental in the rule of law.
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jeffersonwas the first president to have seen the misuse of constitutional law or its circumvention through the power of the Supreme Court. He certainly was not the last.

To Jefferson, law was –

…the framework of rules by which the people agreed to be governed; a judge’s rile was simply to apply the clear meaning and original understanding of the Constitution. [The Imperial Judiciary, K.C. Gutzman, p. 98]

Marshall’s way of “interpreting” or reading into constitutional law, as the Federalists did, continues in the judiciary system, and decisions made by the Supreme Court (or lesser courts) have become a means to establish legislation illegally through advocacy rather than original purpose.
Marshall redefined “contract” in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) and the 11thAmendment in Cohens v. Virginia (1821). He narrowed the meaning of the 11thAmendment in the 1824 case of Osborn v. Bank of the United States, and in McCulloch v. Maryland.
However, Justice Marshall, in the cases Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia(1832), sided with the Cherokee against Georgia stating that Indian (now Native Americans) treaty rights must be respected by the state government; yet the federal government constantly did not honor their treaties. The latter case presented the truth that Native American (American Indian) tribal reservations were sovereign.
Marshall and President Andrew Jacksonconsidered nullification and secession by state governments to be treason. Marshall’s arguments derived from McCulloch v. Maryland, where he and Jackson stated that the United States had been created by one American people, not by separate states. Federal power was supreme. That decision and the tariff tax  of 50% almost caused a war because Jackson was prepared to invade South Carolina, and since the route could have been through Virginia, that state militia was prepared to meet the troops of Jackson in resistance.
Henry Clay

Senator Henry Clay arranged a compromise, where tariffs were slowly reduced. Senator John C. Calhounof South Carolina would not be hanged for treason for supporting his state, but Jackson would not change his attitude upon the matter. The South Carolina Convention met and repealed the nullification ordinance and the issue ended.

The last decision that Marshall made was Barron v. Baltimore(1833). It was a case where the city of Baltimore, Maryland, altered the flow of water and caused silt to build up and reduced the value of John Barron’s Wharf.
The 5thAmendment limited federal government, and was important because there was fear of the new government’s accumulated powers during the ratification of the Constitution. During the course of that decision, Barron v. Baltimore, Marshall conceded that the Bill of Rights did not affect the powers of the state, only powers of federal government. Barron was told in his case that the state court must decide for compensation for his property. John Marshall left office in 1835.
President Jackson wanted United States funds removed from the Second Bank of the United States, but the Secretary of Treasury, Louis McLane, refused, citing a law that required the treasury to deposit funds into the bank. Jackson fired him and looked for someone who would ignore statutory requirements, and that man was Robert B. Taney.
Robert B. Taney

Jackson rewarded Taney for his cooperation by appointing him as replacement for John Marshall, and has been considered to be one of the worst justices in United States history.

In the Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge case that involved a 1785 grant given to the Charles River Bridge Company to build a bridge connecting Boston to northern towns and the power to collect tolls.
In 1828, a new bridge was authorized to be built by the Warren Bridge Company and collect tolls necessary to pay for construction. Once the costs were covered, the bridge was turned over to the Commonwealth of Massachusettsand it would become a toll-free bridge. The Charles River Bridge Company sued Warren Bridge Company because a free bridge would not allow a Charles River Bridge to collect tolls.
In Taney’s opinion, he stated that grants by the public must be favored …

The object and end of all government is to promote the happiness and prosperity of the community by which it is established, and it can never be assumed that the government intended to diminish its power of accomplishing the end for which it was created.

The country had advanced since 1785 and the toll bridge, once paid for, should become free for citizens to use. Taney wrote …

The country was continually advancing in numbers and wealth and new channels of communications are daily found necessary, both for travel and trade, and are essential to the comfort and convenience and prosperity of the people. … And when a corporation alleges that a state has surrendered for seventy years its power of improvement and public accommodations, in a great and important line of travel …the community has a right to insist that its abandonment ought not to be presumed, in a case in which the deliberate purpose of the state to abandon it does not appear.

The Charles River Bridge Company contract with state government was not considered binding, and since Supreme Court decisions are rarely reversed, it has been the tradition to abide by earlier decisions as the law. The government made a mistake in creating the contract, and then when it was seen as a mistake, it did not abide by it nor did the Supreme Court insist that it be either fulfilled or an agreement of restitution be made with the contracted party, in this case, the Warren River Bridge Company.
As in the case of Roe v. Wade, where all cases concerning abortion are referred to in its decision, when in fact the Supreme Court should have turned the case over to the state judiciary to decide, for the state government is closer to the People, who should make the ultimate decisions concerning social issues. Even abortion rights activists agree that the decision was a terrible one, and the original person in the complaint has been quoted as saying if it was to happen all over again, she would not have presented it before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court does not makes its decisions upon the Constitution, but primarily by previous case decisions – which means if the previous decisions were not according to constitutional law, the problem continues indefinitely. To use previous cases as a guideline is one thing, but not as the basis for any decision concerning a present case brought before the Supreme Court – or any court, for that matter.
Chief Justice Taney was also part of the Dred Scott v. Sanford case involving the slavery issue that became increasingly debatedwith new states and territories adding to the Union and the issue of new states being allowed to be slave states. The Dred Scott v, Sanford case was over the debate that freed slaves were citizens of the United States, therefore Scott could not bring his case before the federal court, but instead to the state judiciary.
Taney wrote that Scott remained a slave because Congress had no power to exclude slavery from federal territory. [Undoing Marshall, Undoing the Union, K.C. Gutzman, pp. 118-119]
Taney also wrote:

Slaves were property protected by the Constitution and to prohibit citizens from taking them into federal territory was a violation of the 5thAmendment’s prohibition of deprivation of property without due process of law. The provision of the Missouri Compromise purporting to exclude slavery from the remaining portion of the Louisiana Purchase north of Missouri’s southern border was therefore unconstitutional. [Note: The Missouri Compromise line is not the same as the Mason-Dixon Line]

Benjamin R. Curtis

Taney also stated that Scott’s case was in the hands of Missouri law. If Missouri considered him a slave, he was a slave; therefore not a federal issue.

Justice Benjamin Curtisdisagreed wholeheartedly:

When a strict interpretation of the Constitution, according to the fixed rule which govern the interpretation of laws, is abandoned, and the theoretical opinions of individuals are allowed to control its meaning, we have no longer a Constitution; we are under a government of individual men, who for the time being have power to decline what the Constitution is, according to their own views of what it ought to mean.

That statement reflects greatly upon the federal government today and the Supreme Court – its perceptions and advocacy versus the articles and amendments of the US Constitution.
In the Senate, hostilities over the slaver issue turned violent when Representative Preston Brooksbeat Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts on the Senate floor with a cane for mocking Senator Andrew Butler of North Carolina.
It was an event that became a hay-day for the Press …

  • Indianapolis Locomotive[Democrat], May 23rd, 1856 … Freedom of speech should be guaranteed to all public men in debate on public questions.
  • Boston Atlas[Republican], May 23rd, 1856 …the mouths of the representatives of the North are to be closed by the use of Bowie-knives, bludgeons, and revolvers.
  • Boston, Bee [American], May 23rd, 1856 … An outrage so gross and villainous was never before committed within the walls of the Capitol.
  • Boston, Courier[Whig], May 23rd, 1856 … The member from South Carolina transgressed every rule of honor which should animate or restrain one gentleman in his connections with another, in his ruffian assault upon Mr. Sumner. There is no chivalry in a brute. There is no manliness in a scoundrel.
  • Portland, ME, Advertiser, [Republican], May 23rd, 1856 … How long will the people of the Free States tamely submit to such outrages?
  • Detroit, Free Press[Democratic], May 23rd, 1856 … It was an atrocious speech. But its atrocity did not warrant the personal assault upon him by a South Carolina member of the House of Representatives.

Albany, NY, Evening Journal[Republican], May 23rd, 1856 … For the first time has the extreme discipline of the Plantation been introduced into the Senate of the United States. [referring to the practice of beating slaves]

New York Times [Republican], May 23rd 1856 … The most fastidious reader will search in vain for anything which could give the slightest color of just provocation for the brutal outrage of Brooks. [Note that the NY Times was not always influenced by the Democrats and Unions]

New York Tribune (Republican], May 23rd, 1856 … No meaner exhibition of Southern cowardice – generally miscalled Southern chivalry — was ever witnessed.

More links to newspaper commentary on the incident is at Secession Era Editorial Project – The Caning of Sumner (May 1856), Furman Liberal Arts University.
Laurence M. Keitt

If it were not for Lawrence Keitt, a South Carolina congressional member brandishing a pistol, the cane beatingwould have ended before it did. Keitt drew a concealed pistol and yelled Let them be! The rescuers were stopped and the bludgeoning continued.

Mr. Sumner was no small man, standing at 6 feet, 4 inches tall, and was so strong, in order to escape the merciless beating of Brooks’ cane, he snapped off the bolts that held his desk to the floor. Brooks did not stop, despite Sumner staggering in the aisle, blinded by his own blood, collapsed onto the floor. Sumner was taken by surprise.
It was over the remarks made by Sumner, who claimed that Andrew Butler of South Carolina had written and supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1856, which opened the door to slavery expansion, had claimed that Butler had written the act to satisfy his “harlot” of slavery and even mocked Butler’s speech impediment by saying:

He cannot open his mouth, but out there flies a blunder.

Preston Brooks, a nephew of Butler, survivor of a duel and prone to violent settlement of quarrels, went to the desk of Sumner, accompanied by Keitt and Henry Edmundson of Virginia, and stated:

Mr. Sumner, I have read your speech twice over carefully. It is libel on South Carolina, and Mr. Butler, who is a relative of mine.

It was then that Brooks began to cane Sumner, who had just risen from his desk – forcing him underneath and pinned beneath the desk.

Sumner suffered head trauma that would cause him chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder for the rest of his life, spending three years convalescing before returning to his Senate seat.

Preston Brooks

The national reaction to the incident was just as divided as the slavery issue. It has been thought that congressional members began carrying concealed weapons to protect themselves. Brooks, of course, was cheered by folks from the South, especially in his home state of South Carolina. It was viewed as legitimate retribution for Sumner’s libel and upholding the honor of Brooks family. South Carolina citizens sent Brooks new canes and one had the phrase “Good job” engraved upon it. The University of Virginia’s Jefferson Literary and Debating Society sent a gold-headed cane to replace the one Brooks broke.

There was, of course, a motion to have Brooks expelled from the House of Representatives, but it failed to get the majority votes. Brooks resigned his seat on July 15th, 1856 and claimed that he meant no disrespect to the Senate of the United States by attacking Senator Sumner. He also stated that if he had intended to kill Sumner, he would have used a different weapon.
Brooks was tried in a District of Columbia court for the incident, and he was convicted of assault with no jail sentence, just a fine of $300. In a special election, he returned to office on August 1st, 1856, and elected to a new term of office later in 1856. Brooks died from croup in January of 1857, before his new term began. Brooks’ accomplice, Representative Keitt, attacked and attempted to choke Representative Galusha Growof Pennsylvania in 1858, for calling him a Negro driver.
Such violent actions are unheard of today in Congress, but false accusations and libel continue regardless. Maybe that would be reduced if they made honor dueling legal again. Yet, as in the case of Brooks, legislators and government officials too often are above the rule of law.

As 1860 approached, President Buchanan became unpopular because he failed to keep his campaign promises concerning several issues, the most important being a fair trial in Kansas for sovereignty issues and among those pro-slavery. The Republicans stood a good chance of winning the election in 1860, but it was also as sure that the Union’s future as the United States was questionable. Abraham Lincoln would spend his tenure as president trying to keep together and ultimately reuniting a divided nation.

Image Credit: All images are from Wikipedia, fair use policy.

We the People Must Insist Upon Real "Change"

For those who intend to reelect BH Obama and for those who are not sure, consider this:
Due the age of four Supreme Court Justices and one possible announcing retirement after Election 2012, the next president will have the opportunity to nominate five Justices to the Supreme Court.
Remember this: Franklin D. Roosevelt was able to pass socialist policies and legislation, as well as counter the 1911 Supreme Court decision that income tax was unconstitutional, was because he had “stacked” the Supreme Court with advocacy-political justices.

Of course, another important factor is the number of members of the US Congress who ignore constitutional law and violate their oaths of office by passing legislation that does not meet the benchmarks of the articles of the US Constitution in regards to limitation of powers.

For those voters who are advocates of the Second Amendment, this is an important issue; however, it is an issue for ALL American citizens because freedoms and liberties are at stake. This is not an insertion of a Fear Factor tactic, but based upon facts and previous events. Examples – (1) Amnesty in some form could be justified by the Supreme Court and millions of illegal aliens will have the right to vote, (2) private property rights will be further violated and sanctioned by the Supreme Court if contested, and (3) the North American Union, which Bush administration stated did not exist, and the Obama administration continues could dissolve the sovereignty of the United States.
Those examples could be the beginning of policies and legislation that will change America, for the worse, in the near future.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, infamous for denouncing the US Constitution  as a model for other nations to follow in an interview on an Egyptian television station. During the next presidential administration there will be at least four vacancies: Justice Ginsberg will be 81 years old. Justice Antonin Scalia, 78; Justice Anthony Kennedy, 78; and Justice Stephen Breyer, 76.
We already know what happened when the case came before the Supreme Court concerning Obama’s health care legislation – the only thing accomplished was that it was decided that ObamaCare would impose increased and new tax in the guise of “penalties”. Yet, the fact that government is going to penalize Americans if they do not accept government’s decisions controlling private and personal health care choices. The only way to defeat this ultra-expensive, useless, and unconstitutional program is to obtain a two-thirds majority vote in Congress and the president signing a repeal. Despite Romney’s plan to exchange ObamaCare for his own, which defeats the advocacy that government does not have the constitutional authority to mandate or control an individual’s health care. What is required is that government provides legislation that protects consumers of health care insurance. Gouging by medical institutions, like hospitals that cause the rise of health care costs; as well as repeal the 16th Amendment. Stop imposing legislation that straps employers with huge costs, which will enable them to be able to afford to pay more into employee health care insurance costs and small businesses to providing their employees with health care insurance benefits.
This is the major reason why I did not vote for Romney in the primary election – in his own state he merely took ObamaCare and changed it – but still passed into legislation a state-controlled health care system that has had close to the same results as Americans will soon experience in the near future with ObamaCare. RomneyCare, ObamaCare, or whatever name is tagged – it is still beyond government’s constitutional limited authority. Romney is a person with good character, but his past record demonstrates that he spends too much time trying to please everyone instead of sticking to the Constitution of the United States. His immigration law policy is a good example. His policy is that only legal immigrants should be allowed in the United States and illegal aliens removed at the expense of those employing them. Taxpayers should not be paying for programs that correct problems of not enforcing immigration laws as well as politicians using illegal aliens as a voting base. Certain politicians are “crying foul” when it comes to voter ID – they want to continue to receive votes from non-citizens who vote illegally through fraudulent means.
So now We the Peopleare stuck, once again, with a “lesser evil” when it comes to growth of government power and furthering the United States into a model nanny state that brought Europe to its knees economically, as well as allowing Jihadist immigrants to seize control of aspects of their infrastructure.
America has gone beyond the crossroads between a socialist nanny state and the republic that was created by Founders of the United States and architects of our Constitution and its amendments. However, we are not beyond redemption. It is up to the people.
Do We the Peoplewant false security and supplemental income paid for by other citizens – in exchange for fading liberties and freedoms?
Do We the Peoplewant to live by the rules of tyrants in Washington, DC or by rules of the Constitution of the United States?
Do We the Peoplewant to give up our earned wages to a government who has no limit as to how much they can take?
Do We the Peoplewant America to emulate other nations under socialist democracy and experience mistakes made by other nations past and present.
Do We the People want the United States to be the model for a constitutional republic?
The People make a nation, not government. Government is an entity established on behalf of its People, faithfully adhere to principles and rules set forth for that purpose, which our Constitution has established limits of power to that government – for important reasons.
We have forgotten what those reasons were, listen to those who convincingly state that those reasons are outdated.
Americans have failed in their duties as constitutional citizens in the past decades. We have allowed slick politicians and their political clubs to play shell games with our freedom and swindles against our nation’s economic stability. Recently the blame has been put upon Wall Street, when the true blame is who the People vote for and why. Elections are nothing but political games to be played behind closed doors, and those types of politicians rely upon Americans with short memory, who do not ensure they have the knowledge of constitutional law, and those who will trade independence for collective government power.
So, while we may justifiably blame our woes upon the political system that has developed away from constitutional law, and in turn blame those that have accumulated wealth that provides employment for the rest of the population – the gist of the problem is We the People.
For it is We the People who have allowed corruption to escalate and the Constitution to be violated. People that will trade their liberties and individuality for political self-serving promises do not deserve a free nation. Unfortunately, those that do must suffer along with them.
I fear for my son’s future. I feel I have left him a legacy that he and his fellow citizens may not be able to correct. Indeed, his generation knows more about sports figures than who is representing them in government. They know more about video games than they what is in the Constitution and what it means. They are voting for politicians who insist upon making decisions FOR them, from cradle to grave. Too many Americans are comfortable with that and too many Americans will not admit it.
We the People need to “change” ourselves and OUR government back to who and why it was established. This revolution must be armed with the articles of the US Constitution and its amendments, and our votes – against the manipulating media and the corrupt politicians who care more for their supremacy and power than the purpose for which they were elected.
If President Obama had either stabilized the economy and reduced spending, as he promised, I could understand why some Americans would vote for him to be reelected. But the plain truth is that he not only didn’t succeed in stabilizing the economy, he raised the national debt level higher than Bush did – which he chastised Bush for in Election 2008. Now in Election 2012 it is Wall Street’s fault that the economy hasn’t improved and tries to downplay the increase in national debt and his political party’s runaway spending. In the area of responsibility of foreign affairs, Mr. Obama gets an “F” – for various reasons. 
If Mr. Romney can be as successful in boosting the economy as his success was with private business, the United States will recover; however, he must be constitutionally minded when it comes to domestic and foreign policies. 
Americans are “war weary”, and I understand that. However, the war against Jihadism (Islamic fascism) is not a war that free nations can lose or even compromise. If we are weary of war, then we must have leadership with the intention of winning it. Negotiations have been tried and concession only makes things worse. Indeed, our foreign policy has created more enemies than friends in the past couple of decades. 
Our early presidents and Congress knew that the United States was not economically in shape to support any foreign affairs that would involve our nation to take sides in the conflicts occurring in Europe. When the Barbary Pirates demanded ransom and tribute in order for American trade to continue, at first we complied. It was realized that paying bullies to be allowed free trade in that region of the world was not only beyond the budget of the US government, but was wrong. For the first time we sent troops and our navy to correct that problem. 
Today, we face Barbary Pirates again, in a complex situation, this time involving those who use religion as their basic recruitment tool and fear as their weapon. Aggressiveness threatens many nations of the “free” world. In the past, as well as the present, we have disposed of one tyrant and replaced it with several others; too often our foreign policy is based upon “our enemy is our friend if they are an enemy of our enemies”. The outcome has never been as planned – so why do we continue such a policy? 
We need to become a strong defensive nation, so strong that aggressors will think hard before rattling their swords. We need to “talk softly and carry a big stick” (T. Roosevelt), yet using sanctions and minimal talks with rogue nations. We need to continue to support Israel as long as they strive toward peace and stability in that part of the world. Israel has the right to be a nation of people who should not be forced to give up real estate to those who seek to dissolve their nation and destroy their ethnic and religious sovereignty. We must be cautious as to who we consider allies, yet not be an “island unto itself” when it comes to foreign affairs.
We need to reduce our interference with other nations and focus upon fine tuning our domestic affairs and return the United States as a model of a constitutional republic for others to follow. We need to stabilize our economy, and then consider helping others that justifiably require our assistance. 
The United States needs to deliver an ultimatum to the United Nations assembly, and provide them notice that their corrupt organization will not longer use American soil to meet nor use US taxpayer dollars for their anti-American, anti-freedom policies. Our leadership needs to totally dissolve the concept, funding, and bureaucracy of the North American Union and the “Faith-Initiative” agency that are unconstitutional and threatens sovereignty and separation of the affairs of church and state. GW Bush initiated the latter, but BH Obama has continued it. Taxpayer funds should not be used for charity for that is a private sector issue – that includes foreign aid that provides funding for people in other nations. To provide clothing, supplies and other essential aid that include Americans who volunteer to help other nations in a time of natural disaster, is a good thing. Providing funds to a foreign government with the intent of welfare of foreign people of that nation should not be conducted with taxpayer funding. 
There is much to do in terms of getting the United States back on track to be a constitutional republic because of the length of time it was allowed to occur. The rewards will justify the efforts.

Americana: Ableman versus Booth


Ableman vs. Booth was a Supreme Court case that occurred in 1859 that maintained the supremacy of federal law and federal courts over the state courts and governments; brought about by the anger of abolitionists over the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and the Dredd Scott decision – all over the issue of slavery, that should not have been continued after the Constitution of the United States was written and approved of and the United States of America established as a sovereign country.

Background: Editor of an abolitionist publication, Sherman M. Booth, was arrested in 1854 for violating the Fugitive Slave Act when he helped incite a mob to rescue a black fugitive from Wisconsin federal marshal, Stephen V. R. Ableman. Booth appealed to the state supreme court, which ruled the federal law unconstitutional and ordered Booth’s release. When Mr. Ableman turned to
the federal courts, the Wisconsin Supreme Court affirmed Booth’s release and again declared the Fugitive Act of 1850 unconstitutional.
According to Chief Justice Roger B. Taney in his opinion, state courts had no power to review or interfere with federal laws. Chief Justice Taney was involved in the Dred Scott Decision of 1848.
The Supreme Court was divided at the time over the issue of slavery being legal in a republic under a democratic form of
government whose constitution, the law of the nation, has the following phrase in its introduction: …all men are created equal.

Rule of Law: Supreme Court Legislates From Bench

As I am sure you have read or heard by now – the Supreme Court ruling on the so-called constitutionality of ObamaCare. The mandate, which was the biggest argument has been upheld by the high court as a “tax”. Well, Jisya upholds that all non-Muslims be charged a surtax unless they convert. So because it is a tax, this makes it right?
My main question to the Supreme Court that I have also asked of those who have pushed to pass this: 
Where, what article or amendment, in the Constitution of the United States does it require the US government, federal, to issue mandates, create legislation, or control people’s medical care?

One of the major reasons why health care is so expensive is because of government regulations that favor insurance companies, who spend millions a year in lobbying to ensure the cards are stacked in their favor. The other main reason is fraud and mismanagement of our health care system.

Economists have directed people to look at government health care systems in other nations, clearly showing that it is not good for the economy or for those seeking serious healthcare issues.
Many nations are learning from this failure, one of them is Sweden.
Government financed social programs and medical care requires a high tax. This ObamaCare, when it kicks in in 2014 will not only demand that everyone gets healthcare whether one can afford the extremely expensive premiums or not, but also includes a 1% federal tax described as a penalty.
Where does it state in the Constitution of the United States that taxes are to be imposed to punish citizens of the United States?
Sweden still has a progressive tax rate, the most oppressive in the industrialized world with the top rate being 56.6% of income. France and Denmark are suffering from the burden of big government financing. Denmark has nationwide school choice and a system that has partially privatized Social Security.
In a Bloombergcolumn:
Not so long ago, Sweden could claim world leadership in unmitigated Keynesian economics, with a 90 percent marginal tax rate and a welfare state second to none. …but in the last two decades the country has been reformed. Public spending has fallen by no less than one-fifth of gross domestic product, taxes have dropped and markets have opened up. …no turnabout has been as dramatic as Sweden’s. From 1970 until 1989, taxes rose exorbitantly, killing private initiative, while entitlements became excessive. Laws were often altered and became unpredictable. As a consequence, Sweden endured two decades of low growth. In 1991-93, the country suffered a severe crash in real estate and banking that reduced GDP by 6 percent. Public spending had surged to 71.7 percent of GDP in 1993, and the budget deficit reached 11 percent of GDP. …Sweden’s traditional scourge is taxes, which used to be the highest in the world. The current government has cut them every year and abolished wealth taxes. Inheritance and gift taxes are also gone. Until 1990, the maximum marginal income tax rate was 90 percent. Today, it is 56.5 percent. That is still one of the world’s highest, after Belgium’s 59.4 and there is strong public support for a cut to 50 percent. The 26 percent tax on corporate profits may seem reasonable from an American perspective, but Swedish business leaders want to reduce it to 20 percent.
Sweden, like Canada, is a nation that has been misguided by the promises of socialism, despite history showing clear results that it bankrupts any nation that adopts it – and is now moving in the opposite direction to correct those mistakes.
When will Americans finally get it? After the US dollar becomes only worth 25-cents? When the country goes into a financial collapse?
Why are people voting for those that promote this stuff – clearly against constitutional law, above and beyond the limitation of federal government?
Why do we have Supreme Court justices that rule against the Constitution? They are required to interpret and settle arguments – not create their own brand of legislation from the judiciary bench, siding with their choice of political ideology.
If you want to see the future of American healthcare system, now that the Supreme Court has ignored the articles of the Constitution, check out the article concerning Sweden’s government-run healthcare system.
If Mitt Romney doesn’t win or have the spine or cannot get support in Democrat-controlled Congress – this fiasco will never be overturned before it is implemented at a cost of $2.7 trillion. And the political left wanted to burn GW Bush at the stake for spending $161 billion in his last year in office for defense spending.
Obama’s administration spent $903.2 billion in FY 2011 with healthcare at $882 billion compared to $248 billion spent in FY 2011.
If Sweden adopts a flat tax system, they will have progressed much farther than the United States to get a handle on government spending.
The US government continues to spend more because it has the mentality that it can just continue its tax increase binge and/or creating new taxes on something else – like the lie that overtaxed products like alcohol and tobacco helps defray medical costs that government pays for those products being consumed. And as a method of social engineering. The same situation is heading toward low mileage vehicles and “fast food” (or any food that the government deems unfit).
Americans have allowed a monster to not only exist in America, but continue to grow at an alarming rate. That monster is the federal government who clearly is and has ignored or openly defied the Constitution of the United States since the days of Woodrow Wilson.
And guess who will be in charge of the new healthcare penalty tax?
If you guessed the American gestapo called the IRS, you are correct.
People have paid into the Medicare system all their lives in order to use it at the age of 65; but the government has screwed up that system as well. Yet people are going to trust government to be in charge of their total healthcare?
It boggles my mind.
Since the Supreme Court upheld the mandate tax, but it can be defeated if true constitutionalists take back the executive and legislative branch. Congress needs to choose their Supreme Court Justices more carefully – pinpointing upon being mindful of constitutional law, not consensus law, or foreign laws. Congress needs to be cleaned out in 2012.
Wall Street Journal describes what this means to consumers.
The media describes the Supreme Court ruling as “surprising” – but looking at the stacked bench of justices, it shouldn’t have been a surprise at all.
Although Justice Roberts decision was surprising – caving in to the other justices for reasons he only knows.
Again – show me where in the Constitution where the government is required to distribute wealth, control our health care, or take away our property rights?
Where in the Constitution does it authorize taxes to be used as penalties and punishment – anything but a means to generate revenue to cover government cost?
History seems to be boring to many Americans, yet, if our leadership paid more attention to history they wouldn’t keep making the same mistakes over and over until even more numerous and different mistakes are made. And that goes for the American voter as well. You cannot expect government to improve if you continue to vote for the same people that got us into this mess in the first place.
Stop listening to politicians who promise free stuff – nothing is free – someone ends up paying for it, and eventually all of us.
Here’s a final thought: Maybe more Americans would be able to afford health insurance if:
  • They didn’t have to pay for other American’s benefits over the overall social programs.
  •  Government legislation didn’t side with insurance companies and make everything else expensive with their control-freak legislation.
  • Medical care facilities wouldn’t overcharge or pad the bills of patients.

 As Lloyd Marcus wrote:

If the Tea Party was dying, the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare is unquestionably the rebirth of the Tea Party.

For those 50% of American who pay taxes as Sarah Palin pointed out – it truly is time for a serious Tea Party and if Mitt Romney doesn’t hold the constitutional line – make him accountable. This will be the biggest tax increase in world history. For those who pay taxes, and it doesn’t count when you pay taxes forcefully through your payroll check and get most or all of it back at the beginning of next year. It just means you let the government hold YOUR earnings for one year with no interest paid (or late penalties) because that is the job of the infamous IRS.