Inflation and More Flagellation from the Prophet of Doom: Rev. Al ‘Pinocchio’ Gore

100-dollar-bill_animated No one needs to be reminded that a full-blown inflation process is underway in America and according to media reports in other areas of the world as well. The price rise for this year shows an average across the board by more than 8%. Flower and rice is up 13% and climbing. Milk, cheese, bananas, peanut butter up 10%; while eggs have jumped up 30% this year. Beef prices are up 4.8% and chicken, traditionally the more affordable meat is up 5.4%. And the bad news is that this inflation will not pass, and economic reports state that instead it will be accelerating. Usher in from inflation to recession, the prelude of depression, which occurred in 1896 [depression], 1930 [depression], and 1980 [recession]. I know, you don’t need to hear this statement of doom with the doomsday climate “experts” hitting the headlines constantly, but this is actually causing problems economically as well as other factors, and the primary cause indicates the government itself. 
Everything going up except the wages, and some folks without jobs.

Global_Warming_Gore_Fire Rev. Al Gore has added a place to visit his prophetic rhetoric in cyberspace: – I guess this “We” site is supposed to solve the global climate “crisis”, sustained who mean to take more funds from the common folk (taxpayers) of the world. Meanwhile, people are starving by real climate problems – drought. Of course, this is all the fault of the global warming phenomenon. This site is introduced by a video of Joylette P. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the “presenter” of The Climate Project, another paid useful idiot belonging to what Mark Alexander calls “Village Idiots”. (While you see the term “Village Idiot” all over cyberspace – Mark Alexander is the originator). It begins with this text:

We are millions of people speaking up for solutions. We can solve the climate crisis if we take action now. …

They have a link to click on entitled “We are Succeeding” – which if they do they world will certainly head faster to a world economic depression. They have the mainstream media and socialist mouthpieces called “bloggers” to help indoctrinate (or try to) more people in their realm of Utopian fantasy. The “About Us” page begins:

The We Campaign is a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection – a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Nobel laureate former Vice President Al Gore. Our ultimate aim is to halt global warming

Of course, Reverend Al Gore of the Church of Climate Alarmists fails to tell you the trillion dollar business deal he has cooking under the banner of the Global Warming rhetoric, which according to Al Gore and others like him is the “gospel truth” and there is no longer an argument or any different opinions or facts will be accepted. This is the kind of government that Rev. Gore would like to see around the globe – a know all entity that refuses anything that is presented as factual or at least against what has been mandated by the elite. Something for folks to look forward to, if people like Gore get their way.
The Nobel “laureate” is pushing for yet another failed global treaty in the form of a petition.
Joseph Romm wrote [mind-changing indoctrination from Huffington Post] in his article The Cold Truth About Global Warming

The more I write about global warming, the more I realize I share some things in common with the doubters and deniers who populate the blogosphere and the conservative movement. Like them, I am dubious about the process used by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to write its reports. Like them, I am skeptical of the so-called consensus on climate science as reflected in the IPCC reports. Like them, I disagree with people who say “the science is settled.” But that’s where the agreement ends.
The science isn’t settled – it’s unsettling, and getting more so every year as the scientific community learns more about the catastrophic consequences of uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions.

Romm continues with the arctic sea loss charts, but as others, he fails to check the history of the arctic and the ever-changing climate conditions elsewhere. He also doesn’t mention the record cold temperatures in areas of the globe this year. Actually the most catastrophic occurrence that could occur globally would be a massive ice agestarvation would definitely reduce the world population. Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, so would a drought. But the last time in Earth’s history where there was such a warm period, plant life was prolific (making today’s plant species look like dwarfs) and the animal life was enormous. We call their fossilized remains “dinosaurs”.
I have said all along that we need to continue our watch on the environment and make corrections to human contribution to air and water pollution – two things that allow life on this planet. But when someone refers to “greenhouse gas” – I instantly am reminded that water vapor from the activities of the star we call the Sun is involved, and that we need that water vapor for a healthy planet. What we need is logical activity to promote the healthy planet that the Green Earth people are having an orgasm about.
And when someone uses the United Nations as a source of scientific reports, one merely has to remember the recent decades of corruption and noxious gas that has emitted from that entity designed to be a world body organization, with intentions of becoming a world government. It wasn’t too long ago that United Nation members were involved in the Food for Oil program, receiving money from under the table from the treasury of Saddam Hussein – and thus was discovered the reason for the United Nations not wanting to take action against that butcher despot.
Rush Limbaugh stated once on his radio show that if you wanted to find the foundation behind an idea or movement – follow the money; especially if you suspect an underlying reason or agenda behind the movement – the tool in this case is carbon credits. This global warming crisis smells and is as dangerous as methane gas – which the Earth also produces naturally, not just human activity or rather mammal activity – remembering the government taxpayer funded study on cow flagellation (farting). And Gore? He and his organization has recently spent $300 million on an advertising blitz to home in on receptive Village Idiots who are ready for his indoctrination.
And by the way – Senator Obama stated that if he becomes president he’ll provide a position for Al Gore as the Secretary of Climate Change government agency – yep, gotta keep making our government bigger and more bureaucracy. That’s the ticket! If you think we have economic problems now, wait until he becomes president with a Democratic and RINO Congress we have. 
LINKS TO RESEARCH:The Real Inconvenient Truth: Some facts about greenhouse and global warming –
The Truth About Global Warming Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times

The Truth About Global Warming and CO2 From the Duke

An Inconvenient Truth – Forget About Global Warming Welcome To The Ice AgeThe Absurd Report

Hoodwinked in Bali on Carbon CreditsThe Nation
Creators of Carbon Credit Scheme Cashing In On It – Canada Free Press
Gore Responds to NewsBusters, Denies Global Warming His Meal Ticket – NewsBusters
Gore Climate Change Swindle Exposed on European Tour – Larouche Pub
Oldest Antarctic Ice Core Reveals Climate History – Science Daily
Earth Science – Viruses Infecting Earth’s Ocean Might Be Responsible – Astrobiology Magazine
Earth’s Atmosphere – Wikipedia
Global Warming – Wikipedia
Sunspots and a Possible New Ice Age – American Thinker
Environmental News from Around the World –
The Ice Age Cometh – Kerplunk
Dissolve the United Nations – Ayn Rand Institute
Time to Dissolve the United Nations? – Isi Leibler
Global Warming Hoax News –

Myth Blaster: Google Feature

mapquest1Diane S., Wisconsin, sent this for Myth Blaster query and states she already tried it and it works …
The issue is concerning that by entering a phone number into the Google search engine one can produce a home address and a map with directions to that address. The email circulating about …

Beware the New Google Feature!
Type your home telephone number into Google’s search bar and click the search button … MapQuest returns with a physical location of your phone number.
People could use this feature to locate your home address, and receive explicit directions on how to get there from anywhere in the country.
You can remove your name off this database. To do this: Type in your full phone number – using dashes – like this: 555-123-4567. If your number appears in the mapping database, an icon resembling a telephone will appear to left of the entry on the results page. Click on this icon and it will take you to a page containing a description of the service, and a link to request your number be removed!

Myth Blaster Verdict: TRUE.
Typing a phone number into the Google search engine will produce a display menu, which shows the name and address connected to that phone number. The issue of this Google service being an “invasion of privacy”, Snopes makes a few points:

This feature is not “new” – the Phone Book service has been offered by Google for several years now.
This feature does not work for every phone number. Some classes of phone numbers, such as unpublished phone numbers … will not display.
The information displayed is compiled from a number of publicly accessible sources and is not unique to Google. …
Google has simply combined two different services readily available on a number of different web sites: reverse phone directory look ups and mapping/driving directions services. …
…the Google PhoneBook feature may be troubling to those who value their privacy, but it’s a symptom and not a cause. … The public has been making privacy gains through the implementation of laws such as those requiring credit bureaus, phone companies, and motor vehicle bureaus to offer “opt-out” features which provide customers with means to restrict the distribution of their personal information …

So, while what Diane has mentioned that there is an “opt-out” at Google, it is likely that information is already compiled into data from elsewhere. Of course, anything that can help when one wants privacy helps and I am not discouraging anyone to letting Google know you want to remain private or at least as that service is concerned.
You can go directly to the form that removes your listing at Google PhoneBook Name Removal page. 

Myth Blaster: Absolut Vodka Ad Shows Map Depicting Mexico Taking Over US

Recently word has been going around about the Absolut vodka ad – and although I had published something about it, it was embedded in another article – so I added it to Myth Blaster entries … 

Myth Blaster Verdict: TRUE.
For years, the Mexican government from its school books to its national leadership’s attitude concerning Mexicans crossing the border into the United States, and eyewitness accounts of Mexican government forces not only entering, but actually firing upon citizens of the United States in a campaign to take back what they perceive belongs to Mexico or protect drug cartels that have increased their infiltration in California and other US cities; as well as organizations embedded in the US. Well, they intend not to stop at just the real estate that has in American history become part of the united territories and republics (Texas and California) of what we call the United States of America, but they intend to do so right up to the Canadian border. And Americans and their government leadership are helping them in this hidden agenda, which has recently been brought to light in a public advertisement. Case in point is an ad for Absolut Vodka:
The ad above and the article entitled Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!at La Plaza blog:

The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border, but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.
The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency Teran/TBWA and now running in Mexico, is a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an “Absolut” – i.e., perfect – world.
The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war of 1848 when California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta California.
Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded to the United States to become the modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed by the United States in 1846.)
The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency Grupo Gallegos in the U.S., which was not involved in the Absolut campaign.
Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: “Mexicans talk about how the Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it. It’s very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea.”
But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it might fall flat.
“Many people aren’t going to understand it here. Americans in the East and the North or in the center of the country – I don’t know if they know much about the history. Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I don’t know how they’d take it.”
Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and generating strong responses from people north of the border.
“I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now make a point of drinking other brands. And ‘vodka and tonic’ is my drink,” said one visitor, called New Yorker, on
Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the bog Gateway Pundit of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first place, and the News12 Long Island site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called LivingSmall, writing: “If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will never have another bottle of Absolut in my house. Hey Absolut … that’s my form of social commentary.”
– Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City.

Here is the map depiction from Absolut ad:
What can YOU do? Try the following:
Boycott Absolut Vodka. Apology by Absolut or not. [See Michelle Malkin post]. Michelle Malkin and others prefer their version of the map with a complete fencing/wall across Mexican-US border.
Let your representative know you want the SAVE Act passed.
Let you senator(s) know you want the SAVE Act passed.
Let both your senators and reps know that amnesty in any form for illegal immigrants is not acceptable.
Let both your senators (especially) and your reps know that any legislation that provides incentive for illegal immigrants already here to stay and those in the future from wanting to cross the border illegally.
Let the Bush administration know that our foreign policy with Mexico is unacceptable and that if any other nation tried what they have been doing for the past fifty years a war would have been declared.
conquest-of-aztlan Let Congress know that there should be an independent investigation concerning Homeland Security, President Bush’s North American Union plan (which he has publicly denied, calling it nothing but a trade treaty), and a complete investigation/report on subversive organizations that represent the Mexican invasion agenda and underground movement of Islamic extremists whose ideology is fascist and whose tool is terrorism and others with Marxism in mind instead of the republic that the Founders planned and initiated.
Support the FBI perform its important missions in this investigation and present it to the proper authority who must decide whether action must be taken – whether it be outright arrests, deportation procedures or closing the doors of organizations who support the aforementioned causes as subversive elements against the The People of the United States.
Let legal immigrants know that they are welcome and those that have assimilated and become loyal citizens should be commended and know they are not part of the mission against subversives. This is not an advocacy against Mexicans and other foreign subversives – there are Mexican descendants whose families have been here since the 1800s – they are not Mexican nationals, they are Americans – they speak English and want the best for their country and its people. America was never meant to be a Balkan State.
Let your choice of presidential candidate know you are not going to tolerate the type of dysfunctional policies and actions (or inaction) demonstrated by the Bush administration, as well as the Clinton administration and that you want to see a concentrated effort in winning in Iraq and anywhere we must use military in the war against terrorism and oppression – not appeasement and surrender in an apologetic manner of accepting the apologetic rhetoric that September 11th, 2001 attack was justified because of past alleged policies and actions of the United States of America.
And finally, every time you read half-truth or just plain false information about anything presented by the American media concerning the above, send a letter to the editor or whoever is in charge and let them know you are not going to bother reading or listening to anything but objective and factual news reporting. This means not just one side of the political fence – but both sides. When a columnist or pundit writes or provides a TV media presentation in their programming, let them know you are not falling for it any longer and that you demand true journalist presentation in order to be properly informed of what is going on in the world around US and within the United States of America. Join sincere advocacy organizations and help increase the number who are against those who want to surrender. Casualty reports are depressing, losing someone you know/love is horrible. If anyone wants this to end, then let’s pool our resources and work together to defeat the enemy – letting the enemy win will not stop death by their hand.
border-patrol-patch Don’t forget that Ramos and Compean, former Border Patrol officers are still rotting in prison because of Bush and his Mexican policy and determination to create a North American Union. It seems the media and too many have forgotten that they are serving time in prison for performing their jobs while the criminal they tried to apprehend is still part of the Mexican drug cartel and running free.

Charlton Heston Dead at 84

President of NRA
Charlton Heston, world renowned actor, ex-President of the National Rifle Association died on Saturday, April 5th 2008 at his home in Beverly Hills. His wife, Lydia, whom he married in 1944, was at his side. [BBC News] + [Chicago Tribune]

Wikipedia entry …

Heston was born John Charles Carter in Evanston, Illinois, the son of Lilla (née Charlton) and Russel Whitford Carter, a mill operator. Heston has stated the he was part Native American and a “blood-initiated brother of the Miniconjou Sioux. When he was ten, his parents divorced. Shortly thereafter, his mother married Chester Heston. The new family moved to well-off Wilmette, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago. Heston attended New Trier High School. Heston enrolled in the school’s drama program, earning a drama scholarship to Northwestern heston_student_19 University … While in high school, he played in the silent 16mm amateur film adaptation of Peer Gynt made by David Bradley. Several years later the same team produced the first sound version of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, in which Heston played Mark Antony.
In 1944, Heston left college and enlisted in the
United States Army Air Forces. He served for two years as a B-25 radio operator/gunner stationed in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands with the Eleventh Air Force, rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
While in the service, Heston married Northwestern student
Lydia Marie Clarke in 1944. After the war, the two lived in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City, where they worked as models. They have a son, Fraser Clarke Heston and an adopted daughter, Holly Ann Heston.
Seeking a way to make it in theater, Heston and his wife
Lydia decided in 1947 to manage a playhouse in Asheville, North Carolina. In 1948, they went back to New York where Heston was offered a supporting role in a Broadway revival of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, starring Katharine Cornell. He also had success in television, playing a number of roles in CBS’s Studio One, one of the most popular anthology dramas of the 1950s.
… He cited Mister Roberts as one of his favorite roles, and trued unsuccessfully to revive the show in the early ‘90s. In 1950, Heston earned recognition for his appearance in his first professional movie,
Dark City. His breakthrough came with his role of a circus manager in The Greatest Show on Earth in 1952. Heston was Billy Wilder’s first choice to play Sefton in Stalag 17 (1953). However, the role was given to Oscar winner William Holden. But the muscular, 6ft-3in, square jawed Heston became an icon for portraying Moses in The Ten Commandments, reportedly being chosen because director Cecil B. DeMille thought he bore an uncanny resemblance to the statue of Moses by Michelangelo.
Ben-Hur Heston played leading roles in a number of fictional and historical epics – Ben-Hur, El Cid, 55 Days at Peking, The Agony and the Ecstasy (as Michelangelo), and Khartoum. …
Heston was president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1966 to 1971, the longest tenure of any SAG president. Between 1968 and 1974, Heston starred in a number of science fiction and disaster films such as Planet of the Apes (1968), Soylent Green (1971), The Omega Man (1973), and Earthquake (1974), all of which were hugely successful and have since become classic or cult films. In 1970, Heston portrayed Mark Antony again in a Technicolor film version of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. His co-stars in the nearly all-star cast included Jason Robards as Brutus, Richard Johnson as Cassius, John Gielgud as Caesar, Diana Rigg as Portia, Robert Vaughn as Casca, and Richard Chamberlain as Octavius. In 1971 Heston made his directorial debut with Anthony and Cleopatra … After receiving scathing reviews, the film never went to theaters, and rarely turns up on television. It has not been released on DVD.
Beginning with 1973’s The Three Musketeers (as Cardinal Richelieu), Heston was seen in an increasing number of supporting roles and cameos. From 1985 to 1987, he starred in the prime-time soap, The Colbys, his only stint on series television. With his son Fraser, he starred and produced several TV movies, including remakes of
Treasure Island and A Man For All Seasons.
Bible_Heston In 1992, Heston appeared in a short series of videos on the A&E cable network reading passages from the King James Version of the Bible, called Charlton Heston Presents the Bible. It was filmed in the
Middle East and received excellent reviews, achieving great success on video and DVD. IN 1993, he appeared in a cameo role in Wayne’s World 2, in a scene wherein main character Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) requests that a small role be filled by a better actor than the performer currently filling it. That same year, he hosted Saturday Night Live. He subsequently had cameos in the films Hamlet, Tombstone and True Lies. As his film stardom declined, Heston continued to be a major drawing card in live theater … as Sherlock Holmes in The Crucifer of Blood opposite Jeremy Brett as Dr. Watson, …
In 2001. Heston made a cameo appearance as an elderly, dying chimpanzee in Tim Burton’s remake of Planet of the Apes. Heston’s last film role was as the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in My Father, Rua Alguem 5555, which had limited release (mainly to festivals) in 2003.
400-16 Heston campaigned for Presidential candidate … John F. Kennedy in 1960. When an
Oklahoma movie theater premiering his movie was segregated, he joined a picket line outside in 1961. During the civil rights march held in Washington DC in 1963, he accompanied Martin Luther King Jr. In later speeches, Heston said he helped the civil rights cause “long before Hollywood found it fashionable.”
By the 1980s, Heston opposed affirmative action, supported gun rights and changed his political affiliation from Democratic to Republican. He campaigned for Republicans and Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Hector resigned from Actors Equity, claiming the union’s refusal to allow a white actor play a Eurasian role in “Miss Saigon” was “obscenely racist.” He said CNN’s telecasts from
Baghdad were “sowing doubts” about the allied effort in the 1990-91 Gulf War. At a Time Warner stockholders meeting, he castigate the company for releasing an Ice-T album which included the song “Cop Killer,” which depicted the killing of police officers.
InTheArena_Heston According to his autobiography In the Arena, Heston recognized the right of freedom of speech exercised by others. In a 1997 speech, he deplored a culture war he said was being conducted by a generation of media, educators, entertainers, and politicians against:
“…the God fearing, law-abiding Caucasian, middle-class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight- or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning- or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff- or even worse, male working stiff- because, not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media success is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?”
In an address to students at
Harvard Law School entitled Winning the Cultural War, Heston expressed his disdain for political correctness, stating “If Americans believed in political correctness, we’d still be King George’s boys – subjects bound to the British crown.” He stated “Political correctness is tyranny with manners.” He went on to say that white pride is just as valid as black pride or red pride or anyone else’s pride.
olga_lehmann Heston as the President and spokesman of the NRA from 1998 until he resigned in 2003. At the 2000 NRA convention, he raised a hand-made Brooks flintlock rifle over his head and declared that presidential candidate Al Gore would take away his Second Amendment rights “from my cold, dead hands.” In announcing his resignation in 2003, he again raised a rifle over his head, repeating the five famous words of his 200 speech. He was honorary life member.
In the 2002 documentary film Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore interviewed Heston in his home, asking him about an April, 1999 NRA meeting held in Denver, Colorado, shortly after the Columbine high school massacre. Moore criticized Heston for the perceived thoughtlessness in the timing and location of the meeting, Heston, on-camera, excused himself and walked out on the interview.
Moore was later criticized for his perceived ambush of the actor.
Actor George Clooney joked about Heston having Alzheimer’s Disease. When questioned, Clooney said Heston deserved whatever was said about him for his involvement with the NRA. Heston responded by saying Clooney lacked “class,” and said he felt sorry for Clooney, as Clooney has as much of a chance developing Alzheimer’s as anyone else.”
charlton-heston-the-ten-commandments-c10102102 Heston opposed abortion and gave the introduction to a 1987 pro-life documentary by Bernard Nathanson called Eclipse of Reason which focuses on late-term abortions. Heston served on the Advisory Board of Accuracy in Media, a conservative media watchdog group founded by Reed
In 1998, shortly after he was elected President of the National Rifle Association, Heston had a hip replacement. He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in 1998. Following a course of radiation treatment, the cancer went into remission. IN August 2002, Heston publicly announced he was diagnosed with symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease. In July 2003, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House from President George W. Bush.

Charlton Heston was one of the major classic era actors and one of the best of all time. As a tradition, started by my father-in-law, we watch Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments every Easter. A great actor and a great American.