Patriot Nurse: A No-Nonsense, Common Sense Prepper

Patriot Nurse LogoPatriot Nurse is a savvy gal who is a prepper, but a wise and sensible prepper that too many on YouTube and other places in cyberspace depict themselves as a bunch of weekend warriors, ignorant redneck buffoons.
In a commentary at The Blaze, Patriot Nurse wrote:

We have a President, Sect. Of State, and many others who need to be in let me regress they need to be under the jail. Oh what a shame, and we have people who are ready, willing and able to vote for him again. OMG think maybe the next time it might be you.

As her About page presents:

Patriot Nurse at the rangeThe Patriot Nurse is an actively practicing RN, with a BSN.  In addition to her work in the United States, she has also traveled extensively for medical mission work. I take a very balanced approach to prepping that is decidedly reason-based.  Many people, after prepping for a while, being to realize their preps are covered in the food and weapons arenas.  Medical preparedness is decidedly less glitzy, but it is integral to a well-rounded plan for thriving during times of difficulty.  My work fills that void for the average Joe.


A great interview and article about the Patriot Nurse is at the Survival PodCast website.

Traveling Patriot NurseThe Survival Podcast is a daily online audio show about self-sufficiency and self-reliance in the modern world. … Debt is cancer, it is killing our economy and killing the dreams of many Americans. … Protecting the environment is a good thing and it should be done. That said climate change is not our most immediate danger. We are not all going to die from global warming, the evidence that carbon is the cause is thin at best. … we are huge supporters of alternative energy such as wind and solar. Primarily because they help to provide more self-sufficiency and economic long-term stability. … No matter what the sheeple tell you, what you do does matter and you do control your own destiny. Live life to the fullest and understand that you have more control over your life then anyone or anything else.


I am subscribed to The Patriot Nurse’s Channel and the following videos will explain why:

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 NOTE: Preppers and constitutional militia are not paramilitary groups the corporate-government mainstream media depicts – they are common sense, law-abiding (constitutional law) citizens who develop community organizations, within their immediate community or  retreat with carefully selected members who just want to be prepared and protect themselves and their neighbors. It is quite unfortunate that there are groups who give sincere preppers and community-constitutional militia a bad name. They are not the same, and indeed, there are Islamic-fascist paramilitary camps across the United States as I write this that the federal government has probably been investigating, but has done nothing to disband them. Instead, they are focused upon constitutionalists, constitutional militia groups, and preppers as a threat or an enemy of the state, instead of looking upon them as citizen militia prepared to meet disasters or help local, state, and federal authorities against invasion or subversive extreme activities like what Islamic-fascist terrorist camps are training for. Government need not fear a free people as long as they do not attempt or succeed in taking freedom and liberties away. A patriot is not one who is loyal to government, but people who are loyal to each other and their nation composed of those people, traditions, and constitutional law.


Second Amendment of the United States Constitution:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

