New Year 2014: Same Old Stuff

Hypocrisy, corruption, and just plain incompetence continues in Washington DC in 2014.

While on vacation in Hawaii, one of many, BH Obama criticized Republicans in Congress for going on vacation over the holidays. This is a man who was on vacation and has been more times than probably any other, not including his golfing stints during foreign affair crisis and other important things a president must attend to. Here is what he was quoted to say:

Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.”

No mention that the Democrats were also on holidays vacation from Congress – something that occurs once per year. Obama is beginning to sound as stupid as Biden and Pelosi.

If one follows the ideology of the progressive socialists, like Obama, one can say to him: “Mr. President, since you are so concerned about the poor, why did you spend so much on vacation in Hawaii and not give to the folks out of jobs over the holidays?

The White House Dossier (Keith Koffler) reported that the taxpayer bill for Obama’s Hawaii vacation totals to at least $20 million for 17 days.

Patriot Update also revealed something else during the president’s Hawaii family trip:

“While vacationing in Hawaii, the president did not want military members watching him play golf. He claimed that military personnel watching through the fence posed a security risk.  But he had no problem telling everyone in the world—terrorists included—when he would be downtown for a shaved ice, proving Secretary Gates revelation that the president doesn’t really like the military as he feels uncomfortable around them.”

Another revelation from Obama the Savior:

“At a White House press conference the president stated that extending unemployment creates more jobs.”

Presidents used to spend Christmas at the White House, justifying the expense of the Christmas decorations. As I stated in a previous article, Presidents are becoming like monarchy of old, like the one American colonists rebelled against in 1776. And counting most members of Congress, we traded one tyrant for at least 300.