Is Rush Limbaugh Finally Awakening with Other Americans?

july-4th_animatedI write about Americans awakening to see that the problem with OUR government is not just one political party/entity and our duty to let other Americans see for themselves what is truly happening.

Rush Limbaugh in the past constantly was on the prowl against Democrat Party member wrongdoing, and rightly so; however, he did not address the problems with GW Bush and GOP members on Capitol Hill. Well, maybe Limbaugh is one that has awakened in his latest commentary.

Greg Richter freelance writer at NewsMax wrote on July 3rd:

The Republican Party made a huge mistake not embracing the tea party in 2010, and it cost them in 2012, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said on his show Wednesday. But Limbaugh predicts another huge tea party turnout in the 2014 midterm elections. The reason: There’s no single candidate on the ballot to take them sit home – and the things that angered them in 2010 have gotten worse.

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