Issues That Concern US Foreign Policy and Why It Needs Fixed

In the GOP New Hampshire debate on January 8th, 2012, Rick Santorum stated:

As commander-in-chief, Rep. Paul can pull all our troops back of overseas, put them here in America, leave us in a situation where the world is now going to be created huge amounts of vacuums all over the place, and have folks like China and Iran and others. Look at the Straits of Hormuz. As I said last night, we wouldn’t even have the Fifth Fleet there.

Ron Paul replied:

We’re still running a foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson, trying to make the world safe for democracy. And, look, we have elections overseas, and we don’t even accept the elections. Change in foreign policy is significant. But that’s where a nation will come down if they keep doing this. We can’t stay in 130 countries, get involved in nation building. We cannot have 900 bases overseas. We have to change policy.

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Nation Divided: 150th Anniversary of Battle of Gettsyburg and 237th Anniversary of Independence Day

General Meade (left) and General Lee

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War, sometimes referred to as the “War Between the States” in July of 1863. It lasted three days and 50,000 casualties [killed, wounded, or missing] littered the Pennsylvania countryside, now a national park, wearing the Blue or Grey uniform that marked the Union and Confederate troops. Of the 3,900 buried there, about 25% of the dead were unknown.

General Robert E. Lee had planned to win the battle to force the North to give up the war who had just defeated the Union army at the Battle of Chancellorsville in the months between May and June of 1863. It was a victory over a larger force, but it was also a tragedy because he lost his best officer, General Stonewall Jackson who was accidentally fired upon by his own troops and died of pneumonia, weakened by his wounds. The initial goal was to acquire badly needed supplies from the rich farming districts of Pennsylvania; but the goal was to send the Union forces into retreat and force peace through threats of invading the Northern states. Thus, the Battle of Gettysburg marked the bloodiest battle of the war and a decisive moment in the war between the states.

On the first day of battle, General Lee had been ill and some of his subordinates were new and inexperienced. Lee’s valued cavalry officer, J.E.B. Stuart, provided a fast-moving and flanking force; helping the Confederates to control the battlefield on that first day. However, General Ewell had not secured a key piece of terrain, so on the second day the Confederates were unable to break the Union position, which also strengthened the Union’s hold.

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Info Highway: June 15th 2013

  • Button_NowThatsBreakingNews_animatedPatriot Post asks Is Snowden a Patriot or a Traitor? … [also see: It’s the Profiling, Stupid!] … Snowden: I have done nothing wrong. – Patriot Post: That must be why he fled to Hong Kong – a rather ironic choice for a lover of “privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties” given that the city is a Special Administrative Region of Communist China.
  • National Review Online, Mark Steyn: [quote from Politico] … Jeff Duncon (R-S.C.) toured a federal law enforcement facility in late May and noticed agents training with the semi-automatic weapons at a firing range. They identified themselves as IRS … When I left there, it’s been bugging me for weeks now, why IRS agents are training with a semi-automatic rifle AR-15, which has stand-off capability. Are Americans that much of a target that you need that kind of capability? I think Americans raise eyebrows when you tell them that IRS agents are training with a type of weapon that has stand-off capability. It’s not like they’re carrying a sidearm and they knock on someone’s door and say. ‘You’re evading your taxes.’ Of course, we all know that DHS lied and covered up the fact they ordered a billion rounds of ammunition and multitude of AR-16s (automatic). This is the same administration who told the American people that they do not need AR-15s (semi-automatic) and similar firearms. Let me clue them and anyone who parrots their BS – lawful citizens have the right to “keep and bear” the same firearms that government officials and law enforcement are allowed. Why do tax collectors need to be armed and trained? The IRS and income tax should have been dissolved decades ago and now this branch, the most feared and hated of big government, is arming and training itself for WHAT? A paranoid government is a tyrannical government – knowing full well that the People will only take so much abuse.

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Memorial Day: May 27th 2013

Memorial Day_01May 27th 2013 …

I received email from a reader [Jerry N. & Joan B.] with the following photos depicting cemeteries in Europe and the number of Americans buried there, with this notation…

Apologize to no one. Remind those of our sacrifice and don’t confuse arrogance with leadership. The count is 104,366 dead Americans buried in Europe. We have to watch an American elected leader who apologizes to Europe and the Middle East that our country is “arrogant”! How many French, Dutch, Italians, Belgians, and Brits are buried on our soil … after defending us against our enemies? We don’t ask for praise … But we have absolutely no need to apologize! … Do think about this. Thank you.

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From My Desk: Info Highway, April 23rd 2013

Button_Newsboy-Extra_animatedhand_point2– What can one say about Americans who support legislation against the Second Amendment AND the First Amendment – the same people who say it is a First Amendment right to burn the United States flag in protest as part of freedom of speech? ABC News

A West Virginia teen arrested and accused of nearly inciting a riot after a confrontation with a teacher over his National Rifle Association t-shirt has inspired dozens of students across his county to wear similar apparel in solidarity. …Marcum had been wearing the shirt without causing any problems from homeroom at the beginning of the school day through fifth period, and was confronted by one of the school’s teachers while getting his lunch. When Jared refused to remove or reverse the shirt, the teacher began to raise his voice, and it caught the attention of students eating their lunch… Marcum was eventually arrested and taken away by police after refusing to remove the shirt. White said that when police told the teen they were going to arrest him, he stuck his hands out and said, “Fine.” … Logan City Police Chief E.K. Harper told that Marcum was not arrested for wearing a t-shirt, but for “disrupting the school process.”

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China: The Sleeping or Pretending To Sleep Dragon and Obama

Defend ConstitutionPutting all the recent mass shooting together and into prospective, the final analysis is: the federal and state governments (and municipalities) is the underlying cause that no one at Sandy Hook school was afforded the opportunity to defend themselves, despite a heroic moment when the school’s principal tried to disarm the lunatic assailant without being armed. It failed and little children died. The same federal government who let the same firearms they intend to take away from law-abiding citizens for defense (158 banned firearms that include pistols, rifles, and shotguns), be taken across our southern border (whose security fence system is still not completed after being approved during GW Bush administration) in the hands of drug cartels and criminals. That fiasco program was called Fast and Furious and the Attorney General responsible (Eric Holder) still has his job.

A second case against the federal government under questionable reasons why it continues to assault the inalienable rights of the Second Amendment is that this White House administration is responsible for the deaths of Americans at Benghazi. As the following video of a news broadcast reveals, investigators have had trouble getting cooperation from Obama and associates; unlike Reagan who dealt with the Iran-Contra Affair immediately as soon as it was discovered.

State of OUR Union: Jesse Ventura Interview with Alex Jones

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US Armed Forces and Law Enforcement: You May Be Given an Unlawful Order

The US Armed Forces Enlistment Oath applies to all branches, except National Guard [that has its own oath]. …

I [NAME], do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

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Americana: H. Norman Schwarzkopf – “Stormin’ Norman”

Academy of AchievementThe troops called him Stormin’ Norman, but never in earshot of commanding officers, the name given him for his reputed temper; however, the troops had called him that for different reasons. General (4-star) Norman Schwarzkopf was called such a nickname because of his attitude about winning in combat and wars. The general was also called The Bear by some, based on his stature. I always will remember him as the smiling general who gave all for his troops and expected nothing less than what he would do. He did not appear to appreciate his troops – he did. He was one of those heroes who lived its life, but did not put himself above his troops. Let’s face it, even to a non-commissioned officer such as myself, sometimes the presence of a general could make one nervous, especially one with four stars on each shoulder.

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Spotlight: H. Norman Schwarzkopf, 1934-2012

The troops called him Stormin’ Norman, but never in earshot of commanding officers, the name given him for his reputed temper; however, the troops had called him that for different reasons. General (4-star) Norman Schwarzkopf was called such a nickname because of his attitude about winning in combat and wars. The general was also called The Bear by some, based on his stature. I always will remember him as the smiling general who gave all for his troops and expected nothing less than what he would do. He did not appear to appreciate his troops – he did. He was one of those heroes who lived its life, but did not put himself above his troops. Let’s face it, even to a non-commissioned officer such as myself, sometimes the presence of a general could make one nervous, especially one with four stars on each shoulder.

General Schwarzkopf’s warm personality soon put a troop at ease. If he was nicknamed a Bear, he certainly was a congenial bear, if you put a beard and red suit wearing a red cap, you would instantly see what Santa Claus should look like.

I only saw General Schwarzkopf in brief moments, most of what I knew of him was what had been passed down through command channel or had seen on CNN broadcasts relayed into Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield, the prelude to the war against Saddam and his henchmen [Operation Desert Storm]who had unjustly invaded the small Arabic nation of Kuwait and after the 100-hour war, Operation Desert Calm/Desert Farewell. Those broadcasts and communication between the commander-in-chief and the general staff of General Powell and Schwarzkopf were made possible by our brigade of over 2,000 troops – the 11thSignal Brigade, of which I served at the brigade headquarters.

Stormin’ Norman – age 78

It was great sadness to hear that General Schwarzkopf passed away on December 27th, 2012 in Tampa, Florida at age 78 due to complications from pneumonia. He was a hallmark in his community, not for being a famous general, but for his donation of personal times for a variety of charitable organizations and local community functions. He was a board member for Remington Arms Companyand an honorary board member of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation of which he had sponsored. In May of 2008, he was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame.

My brief glimpses of this dynamic general were only possible when I had to fill in as the 11thSignal Brigade (Thunderbirds or Desert Thunderbirds) commander’s driver when general staff meetings and televised briefings were held in Riyadh.

11th Sig Bde

Unofficially we called ourselves the Desert Rats, [coined from WW2] training in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. It was one of the two units I was assigned to, the 1st/4th Cavalry, Fort Riley, Kansas, that had trained to operate in desert environments; the Cav training at Fort Irwin in the California desert and Utah training missions. I was almost assigned to Fort Irwin in an infantry OPFOR unit, but to my disappointment was reassigned to a leg unit at Fort Ord, California after returning from an overseas assignment in South Korea with the 17thMechanized Infantry.

I would like to add to this and commend my former commander of the 1st/4th US Cavalry [Quarterhorse] who restructured the cavalry in equipment and tactical strategies to meet the modern requirements of a highly mobile and hit fast force. His name: Colonel Leroy Goff, another commander who cared greatly for his troops and who made it a habit to brief his NCOs before he briefed his officers because he felt and knew that they were the backbone of the Army the work-a-bees. He retired from the US Army as a Major General. During the Gulf War, Col Goff commander an armor unit, part of the 3rdArmor Division, that spearheaded into Iraq after the retreating forces of Saddam Hussein under General Schwarzkopf’s command. 
General Schwarzkopf ensured that troops were outfitted with desert camouflage uniforms and designed the desert boots we wore. Our unit had received the desert BDUs before deploying to Saudi Arabia where American troops staged before the attack against Saddam’s forces. Problem was the boots ordered by the US Army had not made it before we left, so we wore our standard black combat boot – extremely hot and uncomfortable. We finally received our desert boots sometime after arrival at our designated area of operations. Since we were a support unit, priority went to the front-line units, which is quite understandable. We certainly appreciated the efforts of General Schwarzkopf and command for the receiving those boots. It is the small things in life that seem to be more appreciated during such times.

His full name was Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf and was born in Trenton, New Jersey, August 22nd, 1934 during the Great Depression. His paternal grandparents were German immigrants, and his father served in the US Army as a Colonel in World War I before assignment to Iran in which Norman Jr. accompanied his father. There he went to school and later in Geneva, Switzerland, and then attended the Valley Forge Military Academy. His father became the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, after returning from overseas, where he worked as the lead investigator on the 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnapping case before returning to an Army career and achieving the rank of Major General.

West Point Cadet

Norman went to the military academy at West Point where he played on the football and wrestling team. He was also a member of the chapel choir, and after graduating in 1956 with a degree in engineering, later earning a master’s degree in engineering from the University of Southern California.

In 1966, Schwarzkopf volunteered for the Vietnam War and during that time earned three Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart. He served as a battalion commander during the war in which time he was wounded in March of 1970 during a rescue of his men from a minefield in the Batangan Peninsula. [More details HERE] Throughout his career, he earned a chest full of medals.
He became nationally and internationally known for operations in the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. During that period Iraq invaded Kuwait and Operation Desert Shield was put into action.

How I Remember “Stormin’ Norman”

A few months later, General Schwarzkopf’s offensive operational plan, Operation Desert Storm, co-authored by Lt Gen Cal Waller and other staff members, retook Kuwait and chased the Iraqi forces back to Baghdad. It was the press that made his nickname nationally famous. Not for his purported temper, but his left hook, hard charging tactics against Iraqi forces and hard drive to prevent Saddam’s Republican Guardfrom getting to Baghdad.

Academy of Achievement

After the war, Schwarzkopf was offered a position as Chief of Staff of the US Army, but he declined. He retired from military service in August 1991. He was never what troops called a political general. However, he did support George W. Bush in his successful re-election in 2004 against Senator Kerry who Schwarzkopf knew had a record of weakness (military and political) that gave no confidence of him winning the War against Terrorism. By the time December came in 2004, Schwarzkopf began to be critical of the Iraq War, especially how Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was organizing it. In the 2008 presidential election, Schwarzkopf supported John McCain. Beyond that, Schwarzkopf was more interested in community affairs and charitable organizations than politics. It was because he was a man of action.

Norman Schwarzkopf is survived by his wife, Brenda and three children: Cynthia, Jessica, and Christian Schwarzkopf.
In an official statement released from the White House, President Obama stated:

With the passing of General Norman Schwarzkopf, we’ve lost an American original. From his decorated service in Vietnam to the historic liberation of Kuwait and his leadership of United States Central Command, General Schwarzkopf stood tall for the country and Army he loved. …

Former President George H.W. Bush, hospitalized in Houston, Texas, released this statement from his hospital bed:

Barbara and I mourn the loss of a true American patriot and one of the great military leaders of his generation. A distinguished member of that ‘Long Gray Line’ hailing from West Point, General Norm Schwarzkopf [President Bush and close friends called the general “Norm”] to me, epitomized the ‘duty, service, country’ creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises. More than that, he was a good and decent man – and a dear friend. Barbara and I send our condolences to his wife, Brenda, and his wonderful family.

Former US Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War, General Colin Powell, stated:

With the passing of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, America lost a great patriot and a great soldier. Norm served his country with courage and distinction for over 35 years. The highlight of his career was the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm. ‘Stormin’ Norman’ led the coalition forces to victory, ejecting the Iraqi Army from Kuwait and restoring the rightful government. His leadership not only inspired his troops, but also inspired the nation. He was a good friend of mine, a close buddy. I will miss him. My wife, Alma, joins me in extending our deepest condolences to his wife, Brenda, and to her family.

Ditto on that, General Powell. I still have my “Schwarzkopf boots” and memories of what he accomplished.

True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job.

General Norman Schwarzkopf, 1934-2012