Congressional Elections and Voting Responsibility

This is the year that the Republicans can gain Senate majority, but the RINOs must go in order to do what is needed to be done and that list includes the Speaker of the House, Boehner.
The two major actions needed to be focused upon is the immigration amnesty issue and Obamacare – added to the TARP issue to institute a debt ceiling, stop the Internet tax bill and start doing something about Benghazi.

Ann Coulter wrote in her article that the last three items are not as important; but I disagree. In fact the list is not complete. Ms. Coulter seems to think that a senator or representative cannot walk and chew gum too. And if they cannot – they do not belong in Congress.
A Constitutional Convention needs to be enacted in order to repeal the 16th Amendment and get rid of the income tax system and the IRS power once and for all.
Right now, as Republicans are preparing for election or reelection, some are once again faking loyalty to the Tea Party cause. They did the same thing last election.
It is time that RINO Republicans who say one thing and do another become harder to find in the seats of Congress, and it is up to you, the voters to do it. Yes, Democrats have to be replaced, their political club is rift with corruption and there is not any among them worth the money they are paid. But Republican members need to perform some soul-searching and decide if they are going to be constitutionalists or just political whores and wind bags.
And, to Ms. Coulter: You may not think it is an important issue concerning Internet taxation by federal government, but it is not just collecting MORE taxes from already financially strapped America – it is about gaining control of the last bastion of freedom – the Internet.
There are many issues on the table because We the People have not taken our responsibility as voters seriously. We have relied too much upon the media, who indirectly decides who wins primaries and how elections turn out. It is way past the time that We the People need control, and that cannot happen when voters think it does not matter who they vote for because they are all crooks. That is a cop-out and admittance to the fact that if government is filled with corruption, ultimately the blame falls upon those who put them in office.
Voters should be as careful about voting as one would be purchasing an automobile or a home – you need to ensure you get your money’s worth.

Hillary for President? Think About It

Hillary Rodham Clinton was on the legal team that brought down Richard M. Nixon, but unlike her husband, he chose to resign instead of impeachment hearings. It was all over a cover-up and alleged targeting political opponents with the powers of the IRS. According to a poll, she leads at 61% for Democrat candidate of 2016. Frightening. She has been involved with a myriad of scandals across the span of her political (and legal) career on the coattails of her corrupt husband. She has taken a stand on her own, of course, as senator and then Secretary of State – but nothing to brag about there, except an obscure socialist book entitled It Takes a Village.
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Core of the Tea Party: What It Represents and What You Should Expect From YOUR Government

Listening to pundits and politicians, progressive that is, and reading commentary of fellow Americans who believe the media propaganda that the Tea Party movement is a racist and violent movement against government. In the case of the latter statement, that is in truth – Tea Party patriots are against any other government except that which the founders created by framing the Constitution of the United States as a constitutional republic based upon written law in those articles and amendments.

The Tea Party was organized to ensure that there is a return to that which was founded and worked so well in making America great and something its people can be proud of, but have failed for various reasons to keep it – as Benjamin Franklin pessimistically stated. So this is a type of follow-up of the last article, this time standing up to the progressive socialists and those who listen to them, whether they be pundits, politicians, or politically biased media …

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Return of Jeb: Another Bush Seeking Presidency

After the Republican Party elite establishment used the Tea Party organization of Americans wanting a constitutional republic in order to get votes and when their poster-boy establishment pick did not win (he lost because he cannot debate or stand up to the fire) – that same establishment threw the Tea Party under the bus and blamed them for losing the election.

Now the third of the Bush clan is looking to run for president in 2016, his campaign agenda focusing upon defeating “It takes a village” Hillary Rodham Clinton, who threw Ambassador Stevens and company under the boss costing their lives.

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What It Will Take To See True Reformation?

Save the Republic Several times I have pointed out that if the People want to reform government and return to constitutional law, society needs to reform itself first.
Jeff Jacoby wrote in How Unborn Babies Become ‘Clinical Waste’ , this revelation comes from The Telegraph in UK, but it certainly applies here in the US who have adopted socialist statism over what used to be the best system of government ever in human history …

“The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found. Ten [National Health Service] trusts have admitted burning fetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat. . . . At least 15,500 fetal remains were incinerated by 27 NHS trusts over the last two years alone, Channel 4’s ‘Dispatches’ discovered.”
At Addenbrooke’s, a hospital in Cambridge, England, the fetuses from 797 miscarriages and abortions were burned in a facility designed to generate electricity and heat. …

From a strictly utilitarian point of view, why not? Not only did the hospital save £18.50 per cremation, it helped cut energy costs as well. It doesn’t make any difference to the fetus how it’s disposed of. Why should it make a difference to us? The answer used to be self-evident: Human beings are more than mere flesh, more than just one organism among all other organisms. Death doesn’t transform us into “clinical waste,” suitable for recycling or fueling an industrial heating system. …
But we live a dehumanizing age. Our culture makes it easy to scoff at the quaint notion that in every human being is a spark of something divine. … The same influential thinker argues that there is nothing inherently wrong with breeding children in order to harvest their organs, or with permitting disabled infants to be killed for up to a month after birth. Anything can be rationalized, including the money-saving convenience of heating hospitals with dead fetuses. Our humaneness is rarely more than a thin veneer, and it takes less effort than most of us realize to peel it off, releasing the barbarism beneath.

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Foreign Diplomacy: Putin the Great vs Obama the Apologist

hand_point2  There are movements that call for impeachment hearings against BH Obama, but as Rush Limbaugh and Keith Koffler have agreed – it just isn’t going to happen. World Net Daily questions that and Alan Keyes disagreed.440632

 It all has to do with the reason why a candidate with a mysterious past and shady associations became president in the first place: because of race. And I refuse to believe that this factor was not part of the political scheme of the Democrat Party – a political entity with a long history of racism and corruption, who learned they can keep descendents of former slaves within control of the “plantation” by exchanging physical chains to invisible chains of welfare dependency. Yet, despite that, the middle-class African Americans are at an all-time high – not because of government handouts, but because those people saw the value of an education and knew that hard work is how to get ahead.

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A Not-So-Transparent President (and Congress)

Obama-HaloWhen Obama ran for president in 2008, one of his unfilled promises was a more “transparent” government, which he accused the Bush administration of failing to do. Those who are associated with Obama have, more or less, promised the same thing. While the Democrats were wrong about fabrication of intelligence reports to get Congress to approve the Iraq War, the Bush administration’s NSA was also intrusive and many were against the so-called “Patriot Act”, legislation whose name was changed in order to make congressional members feel they were “unpatriotic” if they did not pass it. However, the transgressions of Bush and company pales in comparison of the unconstitutional, unethical and downright corrupt executive administration under the reign of BH Obama. Bush did not put any great effort in correcting domestic issues, as well as his Republican counterparts in Congress – like work at repealing the 16th Amendment and getting rid of the income tax system: forever. That alone would have helped the economy greatly, and contrary to congressional believe, also aid the federal government economically. Promises made at the GOP convention were never enacted, and Bush, like previous presidents, did not enforce immigration laws while talking of amnesty law and other factors that would never help the situation. The most under-handed thing that Bush did was secretly hold meeting concerning the forming of a North American Union with Canada and Mexico – clearly violating our sovereignty; thinking they could devise a system that would not fail as the European Union did. The way our armed forces is evolving, our future sovereignty is raised in extreme doubt – as well as the quality and professionalism of troops.

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