Reasons For Serious Reformation of the Federal Government

How much scandal, anti-constitutional and anti-United States acts, policies, and agendas does it take for the US Congress and the American citizens to realize that Obama and associates are detrimental to the future of the United States of America? Indeed, considering the past two administrations, how much does it take for the American people to demand that We the People return to control our government as prescribed by the US Constitution and elect individuals who actually believe in the Constitution and respect its limitations of power of the federal government and adherence of state governments to the unionified laws of the Constitution?

Beginning with the most recent:

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Obama File: Presidential Address to Graduates

lighthouse9_animatedBeginning in the 1960s, Marxism penetrated higher educational institutions via students creating groups like the Weather Underground and Black Panthers [Black alternate to KKK]; and those students eventually became the establishment they once protested against. In turn, their children became indoctrinated by their generation that became the professors and administrators of the public [government] schools that alter history and information in textbooks, insisting that the government [the social elite] can and must raise our children.

President Obama, a student of Marxism whose mentors were racist, socialist-communist social organizers recently addressed the graduating class of Ohio State University on May 5th 2013, the following quotations intermixed with Obama and company propaganda – responses bracketed:

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Obama Wastes More Of Other People’s Money

No White House tours, border security reduced, but Obama seems to have the money to provide travel for family members of Sandy Hook School in Newton, Connecticut on AIR FORCE ONE  from Hartford, Connecticut airport. This reinforces his anti-Second Amendment agenda in conjunction with Senate members who have dishonored their oaths of office just be submitting bills that are unconstitutional. The idea is to lobby the Senate to use emotion and make senators feel guilty if they do not vote for what Obama wants. The real solution is ignored. The reason our government cannot solve issues is because they either look in the wrong direction or act as if there isn’t any problem. In this case, they are looking in the wrong direction. It is a no-brainer that people with mental problems should not purchase firearms. The solution is NOT disarming lawful citizens and ignoring the Second Amendment.

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Info Highway: April 8th 2013

Banner_ManLookingDown_animatedhand_point2– Only ten weeks into his second term, Obama is making political enemies, a rogue nation [North Korea] not only threatens war but on Saturday [April 6th] the NK despot stated his country is in a state of war. Maybe it is time to call the fat little brat’s bluff. Russia’s Palin acts like he is worried, rightly so being so close to North Korea but he [as a KGB officer] was part of the Soviet Union that created communist China, North Korea and Vietnam. The Soviet Union was responsible for providing initial terrorist training as well. Unfortunately, it is not just Russia that will suffer the consequences.


hand_point2 – A sad day …. Margaret Thatcher, ally, champion against big government policies, aided in ending the Cold War and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and dear friend of Ronald Reagan passed away today. Known as the ‘Iron Lady’ she was 87.

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West Point Paper: Constitutionalists Compared to Radical Organizations

West Point emblemThe United States Military Academy, known for its prestigious military education and has a long history in the United States, has issued a report by the Combat Terrorism Center, entitled Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right. [November 2012]

I should note that the paper (by Arie Perliger) offers this disclosure:

The views expressed in this report are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of the Combating Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy, Department of Defense or U.S. government.

The paper discusses “far-right” groups and organizations and totally ignores Islamic and progressive organizations in the same light. If this paper was not bias, it would include those and discuss all such groups. In addition, it fails to address that there are numerous Islamic combat training organization camps in the United State, last reported to be as many as 35 … [See: Homeland Security, Truth or Fiction, Atlas Shrugs, Prison Planet, Law Enforcement Today, et cetera]

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Obama File: "We Got Back Every Dime" Lie

Last week Obama lied again, when he stated:

We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system, but we also passed a[n] historic law to end taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailouts for good.

That is not what the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported:

The cost to the federal government of the TARP’s transactions (also referred to as the subsidy cost), including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made, will amount to $24 billion.

Released on the same day Obama provided more propaganda for his reelection.
As of this writing, CBO reports that TARP funds remain $65 billion in the red.
The same lie he told about the GM (auto industry bailout). 

Obama: “We Got Back Every Dime”Right Coast Conservative
Free Republic Comments


DNC 2012 Platform: Unbelievable

The DNC Political Platform is full of misinformation and socialist key words.
The theme this time, after the 2008 “Hope and Change” didn’t work is: “Stronger Together” with an Obama symbol depicting unity, something that is also uncharacteristic of the actual policies of this unscrupulous political entity.

Here are some excerpts and my commentary, beginning with a line from the Preamble:

We, as Democrats, place the welfare of the people as our highest priority.

Indeed, to Democrats, keeping Americans beholding to government and on some form of “welfare” IS their priority.

We believe in the values of community, dignity, equality, opportunity, fairness, tolerance, respect, and the common good of the world we share.

Community = collectivism; equality, not in the sense of what the Founders intended; fairness, this is a favorite word of the sociocrats who do not understand its true meaning and cannot fathom that life itself is not always “fair”. Is it “fair” for one segment of the population to pay for the other portion through income distribution? Indeed, income tax itself is unfair, for no person, organization or government has the right to tell YOU what to do with your earned income or have the right to take it from your paycheck without your permission.

Our actions define our society.

Indeed, and along with government or if government is to reform – so must the American society.

It is the sovereign right of the people and necessary to their well-being for their chosen representatives to govern in a manner that will protect their health, safety, and welfare.

An attitude that welfare and taking from one group to give to another is, according to the democrat-socialist, is an entitlement. It has been difficult to reform because too many citizens actually believe it is their right to live at the expense of others. When 47% of Americans pay little or no income tax (after yearly deductions and form-filling), it is also why it has been difficult to get Americans to demand total tax system reform.
Is income redistribution “fairness”?
Democrat leadership has no clue about sovereignty, always putting it in jeopardy. Glorified wording, but does not apply to Democratic Party platform.

Domestic production of food is critical to national security and essential to our future.

Property rights no longer mean anything to our government. Regulations and interventions has destroyed private property rights. The rights of a indiscriminate owl is more important than a property owner’s rights. Environmental safeguards are important, but as many things, the Democrats and their followers take the radical and often misleading approach to issues.The GOP hasn’t done much of anything about this problem, something the founding patriots knew must be upheld, because there are not enough constitutionalists in the Republican Party. It is evident that the political elite, the established hierarchy, is in control when they allow status quo to remain the norm in Washington, DC. The Democrats have been more aggressive in destroying the sanctity of the Constitution of the United States, yet in their platform they hail the cherished document and its amendments. It is why Americans need to start a self-study course: Constitution 101 and 201. Unless you choose to donate, it is free to promote more knowledgeable and responsible citizens. Something the sociocrats fear.

We recognize the role of farmers as stewards of the land

Yet, property rights do not apply. Government controls property, individuals, and too many facets of our lives.
The Democrats propose more legislation and restrictions upon private property rights and liberties of the People, as an example:

Reduction of the use of hazardous materials such as restricted-use pesticides;


The inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all human beings are the foundations of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Special interest and minority groups are provided rights at the expense of other citizens’ rights. For example, repealing the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

We have the right to sovereignty over our own bodies

Unless you use tobacco products, specifically cigarettes; unless you drive an SUV; unless you do not eat the foods the government mandates, et cetera. You also have the obligation of paying for another citizen’s abortion from your taxes.

The right to unionize is a civil and human right.

However, you do not have the right to say “NO”, or work without joining a union, or say where your union dues go (political payments). Unions are big contributors to the Democratic Party, thus they are important in our working lives – and especially useful when unions control government jobs.

Honoring the rich diversity of society

Unless you are a white heterosexual male.

The end of human trafficking for the sex trade and all other forms of involuntary servitude

I have no idea where in America this is taking place, maybe it is part of their foreign aid program.

We oppose:
• Hiring out prisoners for private gain;
• Warrantless wiretapping and searches of American citizens;

Republicans support these oppositions as well, except when GW Bush was in office.
Here is the cream of the crop when it comes to social and class warfare, punishing those that are productive and those who supply the mainstream of America employment.

We believe that corporations, as artificial entities, are not entitled to the Constitutional rights of people.

People operate corporations. Of course, all corporations are not equal. As part of the Democrat program, corporations like GM, General Electric, and others pay less or no taxes as part of their “incentive” program – change the tax code and this issue would be moot.

It’s time to restore responsibility and to limit the power of money to influence politics.

Yes, it is, Democrats – when are you going to practice what you preach? Let’s discuss “Green” corporations and trade unions?
This one truly got to me. The sociocrats actually tried to use the name of a Founder:

“The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” – Thomas Jefferson

From the Thomas Jefferson official library:

This exact quotation has not been found in the writings of Thomas Jefferson.  It may be a mistaken amalgamation of the author’s comments in the above 1994 reference with a real Jefferson quotation.  Jefferson wrote in 1825 to William Branch Giles of “a vast accession of strength from their younger recruits, who, having nothing in them of the feelings or principles of ’76, now look to a single and splendid government of an aristocracy, founded on banking institutions, and monied incorporations under the guise and cloak of their favored branches of manufactures, commerce and navigation, riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman and beggared yeomanry.”[3]  Chomsky’s 1994 book quotes Jefferson’s 1825 letter to Giles and then comments that “[Jefferson] warned that that would be the end of democracy and the defeat of the American revolution.”

They not only misquoted and put words into something Jefferson didn’t write, but also plagiarized Chomsky’s book.
See: Jefferson to William Branch Giles, December 26, 1825, in Ford, 10:356. Polygraph copy available online from the Library of Congress.
If the Democrats are going to provide propaganda, at least they could do a better job masking the truth.

Full enforcement of antitrust laws

Meanwhile, ignoring other laws – it is selective when it comes to sociocrats and RINOs as well.

A constitutional amendment to establish that corporations shall not be considered as “persons” for purposes of political activity and to reverse the pernicious ruling that money equals speech and to institute stringent corporate campaign-contribution reporting requirements and prohibitions on such contributions without specific advance approval by stockholders who are U.S. citizens

An amendment is not required –just repeal the 16thAmendment and get rid of income tax, or, at the very least, change the tax system to a flat tax with NO deductions and limited IRS power. Then it does not matter if it is corporations or people – everyone pays.
The following is partly because of Mitt Romney’s income:

Investment banking to be separated from commercial banking and subjected to tighter regulation, transparency, and accountability (the Volker Rule)
Empowering the new Federal Financial Consumer Protection Agency to regulate financial products, consumer banking, and credit cards and to enforce full disclosure of financial instruments; …

No mention of regulating and getting Federal Reserve under control, but does mention of increasing power of government over private sector – full disclosure of financial instruments is already in place as a law. Maybe they did not notice because there are so many laws, legislators cannot keep up.

Patent and copyright laws that give corporations undue control through unnecessarily long terms and other tactics should be reformed to protect competitive opportunity and encourage creativity by others.

China must have put them onto that one.

The repeal of subsidies or tax reductions to U.S. based firms that outsource jobs overseas; multinational companies must pay their fair share of U.S. taxes and must not be allowed to use foreign tax havens; status as U.S. corporations or the ability to do business in the U.S., or federal business overseas, should be forfeited by those who violate these tenets; we support the strengthening of Controlled Foreign Corporation laws to further restrict foreign corporate registry tax havens; The return of the windfall profits tax; Strong restrictions on corporate spending on political campaigns; …

During GM’s bankruptcy, 12,000 Americans lost their jobs. [CBS News, 2/16/12 & FoxNews 5/18/12] GM used $1 million in bailout cash for something not in the plan. In 2011, GM made an astounding profit of $7.6 billion and paid ZERO federal income tax.

In the last three years, GM has created 14,000 jobs in China – and invests more than $1 billion in China each year – using the American taxpayer bailout as its investment. [China Daily, 4/20/11; Bloomberg TV, 4/26/10; General Motors Website, 8/13/12] American tax funds financed GM to produce overseas jobs as well as money to invest in foreign operations. The tax on all that profit sure would put a dent into the national debt. GM’s offshore enterprise has outsourced US jobs, and like allowing illegal aliens to work in the United States – it hurts employment.
Listening to Obama’s rhetoric, the question is –  Where did the $50 billion GM taxpayer bailout go to create American jobs?
Meanwhile, Obama and company are whining about 13% tax rate of Mitt Romney (on $20 million, which is no small change) – and GM makes a multi-billion dollar profit and pays NO tax. What was that about “fairness”?

The breakup of corporations that are too big to fail

So why was there a taxpayer bailout?
People operate corporations and there would be no need for tax havens if our government would reform our tax system. The Supreme Court said so. Of course, Obama and friends do not agree with Supreme Court, unless they sanction his ObamaCare. Oh, wait, they did. For a political entity that does not believe in constitutional law and states it is “outdated” …

These values provide the basis for our ideals and are supported by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. …

Just read the rest. I cannot do this anymore; one can only take so much hypocrisy. They want things like “age appropriate gun safety instruction in our school system – and we know what that will end up being, like sex education.
One more thing – Democrats call for more welfare:

Congress provide adequate assistance, food stamps, earned income tax credit, child tax credit, housing and child care so children of low income families can perform at grade level.

I assume they also include 20 million illegal aliens as well.
And, of course, trying to save face for the teachers’ union, they oppose:

All so-called “reforms” that are not based upon sound and objective information, that are disguised attempts to blame teachers for the problems in public education, to weaken teacher unions, or to privatize our public education system for profit.

Democrats continued restrictions upon America energy self-sufficiency, and so on and so forth.

What little interesting proposals (and viable) are in the DNC platform is only on paper. They never have or never will follow through. Far less believable than the RNC platform when it comes to sovereignty, constitutional law, and individual rights, they even include supporting nations in their efforts to prevent the radicalization of religions and rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan …. I thought we were leaving that to the Iraqi and Afghans?
Say one thing, do another. Unfortunately, but to a lesser degree, that describes too many Republicans. 
Compare 2008 platform with 2012 platform. See if the sociocrats lived up to the last platform.
The Democrats gist of their platform is to return Democracy back to America, and like quotations from Thomas Jefferson letters, they embellish and misuse the word democracy.The political entity is no longer “liberal”, but instead progressives (first coined by Hillary Clinton) with democratic-socialism on their agenda. Just as certain Republicans stain the term conservative.
What America truly requires are senators, representatives, presidents and judges/justices that are constitutionalists or constitutional conservatives. Conserving the Union, preserving the Constitution and its amendments, and returning our form of government created: a republic. It was what Benjamin Franklin described our nation when a woman approached him to ask what government was decided in Pennsylvania – a republic if we can keep it.
The DNC events are filled with unwarranted accolades for Barack H. Obama, as phony as his Nobel Peace award, and all the while mis-characterizing his political opponent, Mitt Romney (and Paul Ryan). The sociocrats have lied so much I feel that too many actually now believe their own propaganda.

Solution to the Tax Argument and Concept of "Fairness"

Is it not the time for Americans to quit believing the socialist mantra that is as old as Karl Marx – that free enterprise is capitalism and that is bad?
Is it not the time to quit listening to anyone who complains and asserts that the tax burden is upon the poor and middle class Americans?

A former student of Walter E. Williams, economics professor and columnist, Stephen Moore, wrote The U.S. Tax System: Who Really Pays? In the August 2012 issue of Manhattan Institute. …

According to IRS 2007 data, the richest 1 percent of Americans earned 22 percent of national personal income but paid 40 percent of all personal income taxes. The top 5 percent earned 37 percent and paid 61 percent of personal income tax. The top 10 percent earned 48 percent and paid 71 percent of all personal income taxes. The bottom 50 percent earned 12 percent of personal income but paid just 3 percent of income tax revenues. Some argue that these observations are misleading because there are other federal taxes the bottom 50 percenters pay such as Social Security and excise taxes. Moore presents data from the Tax Policy Center, run by the liberal Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, that takes into account payroll and income taxes paid by different income groups. Because of the earned income tax credit, most of America’s poor pay little or nothing. … President Obama and the Democratic Party harp about tax fairness. Here’s my fairness question to you: What standard of fairness dictates that the top 10 percent of income earners pay 71 percent of the federal income tax burden while 47 percent of Americans pay absolutely nothing? President Obama and his political allies are fully aware of IRS data that shows who pays what. Their tax demagoguery knowingly exploits American ignorance about taxes. A complicit news media is only happy to assist. We might ask ourselves what’s to be said about the decency of people who knowingly mislead the public about taxes. … Aside from the fairness issue, 47 percent of taxpayers having no federal income tax liability is dangerous for our nation. These people become natural constituents for big-spending, budget-wrecking, debt-creating politicians. After all, if you have no income tax liability, what do you care about either raising or lowering taxes? … Tax demagoguery is useful for politicians who prey on the politics of envy to get re-elected, but is it good for Americans? We’re witnessing the disastrous effects of massive spending in Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and other European countries where a greater number of people live off of government welfare programs than pay taxes. … Here’s the question for us: Is the U.S. moving toward or away from the troubled EU nations? It turns out that our national debt to GDP ratio in the 1970s was 35 percent; now it’s 106 percent of GDP. If you think we’re immune from the economic chaos in some of the EU countries, you’re whistling Dixie. And when economic chaos comes, whom do you think will be more affected by it: rich people or poor people?

Now here is the brainteaser to contemplate …
If indeed, the “rich” are getting away with not paying enough taxes, such as what the Senator from Arizona and Nancy Pelosi (and others) stated about Romney’s tax burden, then contemplate this:
It is the fault of the tax system, not those who are productive and obtain wealth from honest endeavors and educational achievements.
Moreover, get this class envy circumstance and lie: a commentator who took over a blog’s commentary and whose cronies ganged up on anyone who disagreed – then when a commentator reveals the truth, that person was expelled from making any comments. What was the reason professed – that the commentator, in answering several commentators who disagreed, was using too much “thread” time. The major discussion, which ended up in other subjects unrelated (like global warming, birthers, or whatever), was that Romney obtained wealth by inheritance. If anyone just takes a look at Mitt’s biography and that of his father, George Romney, one can see that the father was not the CEO of Bain Capital – but in an entirely different business entity. Mitt’s father worked his way from carpenter getting an education to a successful businessman and then into politics to take action in what he believed in. That website that is bias is Outside the Beltway. Doug Mataconis writes articles for this blog whose publisher/Editor is James Joyner. Commentators that disagree are not kicked out by them, but it is the manner in which the commentary system is set up – dissidents who hang out constantly and take over conversations use the “delete comment” which also has the option to kick a commentator off without first approval of the publisher. As you may have guessed, the commentator aforementioned was me. At this time, I am able to submit comments at the website, when before I would get the message “write to administrator”. This is the fault of the commentary system, not the website. I like what Doug Mataconis writes because he does not take sides in the political arena, just objective opinion.
But I digress.
Too often, people ignorant of the truth will say things like: that person is wealthy not from working, but from inheritance; yet less than one percent of all wealthy Americans in the United States obtained wealth in that manner. They are just parroting the democratic socialist rhetoric and taking on its mantra of class envy and class warfare garbage.
Walter E. Williamsis a renowned and successful economics professor who dispels political myths constantly – of only people would pay attention and check resources to see he is correct. Stubbornly, too many Americans wish to remain ignorant of the truth – maybe it is easier to listen to the propaganda and hypocrisyof tyrants. Historyseems to prove this point. With financial collapse looming over the head of Americans, one would think they would be looking to leadership with the answers, instead of blaming everyone else.
And thus we return to the tax arguments that could be easily solved by either repealing the 16th amendment and replacing it with a consumption flat tax that can only be raised by two-thirds majority of Congress or a flat income tax with NO deductions.
Now that would be “fair”. Like FairTax.
It is the tax code that is the problem, not the wealthy like Mitt Romney or the fact that some pay more taxes than others. Make it truly fair and reform the tax system.
Of course, then the whiners would have less to complain about.
Let’s return the United States back to its original greatness.

Obama File: Media and Democrats Making Fools of Themselves

Obama slipped out of his teleprompter selected text when he professed that businesses would be in business if it weren’t for the government. ObamaCare is glorified at the expense of doctors when Obama describes doctors as greedy and not caring about patients – so the government must control health care.

Less than 24 hours after Paul Ryan was announced as the GOP VP candidate to campaign with Mitt Romney – he was attacked by all mainstream media and pundit bloggers – painted as an extremist. Videos viewed discussing budgeting and other important topics, one with a forum meeting with President Obama concerning ObamaCare, clearly shows that he is not an “extremist” or “radical”. Indeed, to the political left, the democratic socialists, if you are a constitutionalist that supports and defends that law of the land – you are a “radical” or an “extremist”. Some constitutional organizations are actually on the extremist government watch list.

Bill O’Reilly wrote:

So defining Ryan as extreme is an interesting scare tactic — and one that might be extended in the days to come. Here are some other positions that the committed left media consider extreme:
–If you believe traditional marriage should be kept as the exclusive standard, you are not only extreme; you are a homophobe.
–If you believe all Americans should pay less in taxes, you are greedy and an anti-poor extremist.
–If you believe the Second Amendment gives Americans the right to buy and possess guns, you are promoting violence in an extreme way.
–If you believe the government has a duty to combat overseas terrorists without giving them constitutional protections, you are an extreme anti-human rights individual.
–If you believe abortion is the taking of a human life, you are an anti-woman extremist.
–If you support securing the nation’s borders and regulating immigration, you are anti-Hispanic.
The list goes on and on. … By labeling someone as extreme, you can dismiss whatever they say. … If Ryan’s reform vision will harm Americans, let’s hear some specifics. So far, under Obama, we have a sluggish economy, high employment and record debt. Sounds harmful to me. But then again, I’m an extremist.
I guess I am as well – a constitutional extremist, probably the worst kind to a sociocrat. 
Democrats obtain supporters through its complying media networks (propaganda),misinformation and just plain lies, and fear mongering. Some Republicans do it as well, but they are not considered true “conservatives”. What we truly need in government are constitutionalists. The political club mentality isn’t relevant if its members do not comply, protect and ensure that the People are educated in the Constitution and its amendments. 

Obama File: Slinging BS Everywhere But Where it Belongs

During elections, military personnel stationed in the US and overseas is allowed to cast ballots early – up to 35 days before an election so as to ensure they exercise their right to vote.
During the Election Year 2000, when the media and Democrats were whining about “chads” – a delivery of vote ballots shipped from overseas never made it to Florida – it disappeared and not one media entity covered the story to investigate what happened to it. It was votes of men and women serving overseas exercising their right to vote – and wasn’t able to. 
When people cheat during elections – they need to be behind bars for a while, some a long while.

It is a fact that the majority of military personnel vote conservative/Republican/Independent; and the Democrats know this. Latest chicanery reported by Investor’s Business Daily:

The administration showed its true appreciation for military service when, on July 17, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in that swing state to strike down part of the state’s law governing voting by members of the military that gives them extra time to cast their ballots. … While Democratic groups say the military exemption is ‘arbitrary’ with ‘no discernible rational basis,’ military groups say federal and state law in fact recognizes the need to give military personnel extra time to vote. Considering that Ohio voters can cast early ballots up to 35 days before an election, the military extension imposes no undue hardship on other voters. The National Defense Committee, a veterans organization, notes that ‘for each of the last three years, the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.’ An administration that constantly talks about voter disenfranchisement appears unconcerned that a study by the nonpartisan Military Voters Protection Project found that in 2008 less than 20% of 2.5 million military voters successfully voted by absentee ballot. In 2010, participation shrank to a scandalous 5%. … Supporters of the suit claim the Democrats aren’t really trying to suppress the military vote, just give others the same access to polls that would be open anyway. … The problem is the Obama administration has shown a disregard for military voters who, studies show, tend to vote Republican. … Of course, this reluctance to promote and support military voting — while dead voters are allowed to remain on the rolls and cast ballots, and while the right of felons to vote is championed — has nothing to do with the fact that John McCain won 54% of the military vote in 2008 or that a May 2012 Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney pulling 58% to President Obama’s paltry 34%.
In regards to Harry Reid’s unfounded allegations against Romney stating the Mitt did not pay taxes in the last ten years – he had already submitted 2010 tax returns that showed he not only paid taxes but also gave a substantial amount (more than Democrats who are whining) to charity. Like folks from Missouri say: “show me” – Mr. Reid and Pelosi. Their political platform is weak, so they rely upon other measures to hide the truth.
Arnold Ahlert has a good take on that subject:
Senator Harry Reid called attention to himself last week, accusing Mitt Romney of not having paid taxes for 10 years. … If Harry wants to look at someone who is in violation of the law, the nearest mirror should do the trick. Americans need to ask themselves which is more important, Mitt Romney’s missing tax returns — or the Senate’s missing budget? The Senate Majority Leader has refused to pass one in more than three years, abandoning his primary responsibility as a leader, and violating the Constitution in the process. … In other words, it is still all about the economy, no matter how hard weasels like Harry — along with his fellow weasels in mainstream media — try to divert our attention.
Burt Prelutsky can always sift out the absurdity:
Liberals are always eager to ban guns, but even after the Oklahoma City bombing, you didn’t hear them talk about banning fertilizer. That’s probably just as well because sane people would have then been forced to point out that manure doesn’t kill people; people kill people. One of the creepy things about liberals is that they only wish to discuss actions and inevitable consequences when the actions can be traced to conservatives. You never hear them reprimand parole boards, which are nearly always comprised of social workers, psychologists and other college degreed morons, when one of the felons they release murders or rapes another victim. You never hear liberals blaming people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama, for bringing on the financial meltdown by insisting that home loans be given to people who couldn’t come up with a down payment, all because they knew that the votes of those new homeowners could be so easily bought and paid for with the tax dollars of the solvent.
Let’s face it. The Democrat (democratic-socialist) Party relies upon scare tactics and propaganda. It is the only thing going for them. Fortunately, more voters today are wising up – well, maybe this election. 
If the voters had performed their homework in election year 2004, we would not have a clown that operates three-ring-circus chicanery from the Oval Office. 
I keep reading about, mostly in the chain email clutter, that Michelle Obama spends a lot of taxpayer money recklessly. One example was given that she had purchased a dress/coat for the Olympic Games that cost $6800. But did she actually use taxpayer funding or did it come out of her own bank account? People who pass chain email around do so constantly without any source to back up the claims made in them.
Like voters – when are they going to learn?