Issues That Concern US Foreign Policy and Why It Needs Fixed

In the GOP New Hampshire debate on January 8th, 2012, Rick Santorum stated:

As commander-in-chief, Rep. Paul can pull all our troops back of overseas, put them here in America, leave us in a situation where the world is now going to be created huge amounts of vacuums all over the place, and have folks like China and Iran and others. Look at the Straits of Hormuz. As I said last night, we wouldn’t even have the Fifth Fleet there.

Ron Paul replied:

We’re still running a foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson, trying to make the world safe for democracy. And, look, we have elections overseas, and we don’t even accept the elections. Change in foreign policy is significant. But that’s where a nation will come down if they keep doing this. We can’t stay in 130 countries, get involved in nation building. We cannot have 900 bases overseas. We have to change policy.

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New Big Brother System Approved: National License Plate Database

TSA Insaneness

Click on image to enlarge

Big government is seeking new ways to keep tabs on citizens. Not just for criminal activity, but anyone or any organization that counters government policies or disagrees with the developing Big Brother system. Since the UK has already begun such things through what is called National License Plate Recognition Database, a citizen could be on a terror watch list just for being part of a protest/demonstration or belong to an organization seeking a constitutional government like the Tea Party movement. Sound familiar? This was what the IRS and NSA scandal was all about.

After the feds studied the system already in place in the UK, Homeland Security hit the news, at least covered by a few media sites, certainly not the Obama propaganda machine (corporate media networks) like CBS, ABC, NBC, MSN.

I guess the federal study is over because the system is to be activated. As usual, it is under the pretense to fight against terrorism. When the government considers a peaceful organization like the Tea Party entity as radical, subversive, racial, and anti-government – the enemy of the state – then this is just another method to keep tabs on that organization and any private citizen they deem fit to put under surveillance. It is not only tyranny, but costly; when a government is so deep in national debt already.

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Dysfunctional Insanity Continues with No Relief in Sight


After a congressional assessment of the southern border of the United States, security is still lacking despite congressional approval of a reinforced and new security fencing along the border has failed to be built as agreed during the Bush administration. With Obama’s ridiculous policies, like the DREAM Act, enforced despite congressional disapproval, more illegals are encouraged to cross the border, especially when they find out about Obamacare. Obama and friends in Congress have provided immunity to federal employees  and themselves when it comes to the workings of Obamacare [Affordable Health Care Act], after finding out that their national health care program will cost a lot and do nothing they promised it would. Obamacare will be available to illegal immigrants who are exempt from fines and foreign nationals at taxpayer expense. The DHS, under the leadership of Janet Napolitano, [she stated 2010 DREAM Act had strong bipartisan support] – she should have resigned three years ago. Americans were assured that the border is more secure than ever before. Lies. The White House and DHS has revealed they have a plan in the form of a three-tier system in cooperation of Mexico in boosting security on US border and extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The object is to curb human trafficking and drug running.

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Selective Spying: All But the Real Enemies

Your phone calls, Flickr stream, Facebook and most likely what was spent on your Visa is fair game to the NSA. As Patriot UpDate wrote …

If the FBI guy who got the tip-off from Moscow about young Tamerlan had been sufficiently intrigued to want to visit the Boston mosque where he is said to have made pro-terrorism statements during worship, the agent would have been unable to do so without seeking approval from something called the Sensitive Operations Review Committee high up in Eric Holder’s Department of Justice. The Sensitive Operations Review Committee is so sensitive nobody knows who’s on it. You might get approved, or you might get sentenced to extra sensitivity training for the next three months.

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Info Highway: June 15th 2013

  • Button_NowThatsBreakingNews_animatedPatriot Post asks Is Snowden a Patriot or a Traitor? … [also see: It’s the Profiling, Stupid!] … Snowden: I have done nothing wrong. – Patriot Post: That must be why he fled to Hong Kong – a rather ironic choice for a lover of “privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties” given that the city is a Special Administrative Region of Communist China.
  • National Review Online, Mark Steyn: [quote from Politico] … Jeff Duncon (R-S.C.) toured a federal law enforcement facility in late May and noticed agents training with the semi-automatic weapons at a firing range. They identified themselves as IRS … When I left there, it’s been bugging me for weeks now, why IRS agents are training with a semi-automatic rifle AR-15, which has stand-off capability. Are Americans that much of a target that you need that kind of capability? I think Americans raise eyebrows when you tell them that IRS agents are training with a type of weapon that has stand-off capability. It’s not like they’re carrying a sidearm and they knock on someone’s door and say. ‘You’re evading your taxes.’ Of course, we all know that DHS lied and covered up the fact they ordered a billion rounds of ammunition and multitude of AR-16s (automatic). This is the same administration who told the American people that they do not need AR-15s (semi-automatic) and similar firearms. Let me clue them and anyone who parrots their BS – lawful citizens have the right to “keep and bear” the same firearms that government officials and law enforcement are allowed. Why do tax collectors need to be armed and trained? The IRS and income tax should have been dissolved decades ago and now this branch, the most feared and hated of big government, is arming and training itself for WHAT? A paranoid government is a tyrannical government – knowing full well that the People will only take so much abuse.

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ODESSA Files: Threat of the Dragon

People’s Republic of China is hardly a republic, remaining communist despite the fall of the Soviet Union, which fell because of mostly economic infrastructure failure. China did not do so because the leadership craftily has not relied upon just military might but other tactics like destroying other economies, while building up their own as well as cyber warfare that includes stealing inventions and designs from other countries in order to quickly increase its power. The People’s Republic of China was established on October 1st, 1949, which was transformed from the Republic of China [January 1st 1912] and before that the Qing Dynasty, the first unification of China being in 221 BC under the Qin Dynasty.

China has a constitution, but nothing like what Americans know as a constitution that has been amended several times.

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Info Highway: April 8th 2013

Banner_ManLookingDown_animatedhand_point2– Only ten weeks into his second term, Obama is making political enemies, a rogue nation [North Korea] not only threatens war but on Saturday [April 6th] the NK despot stated his country is in a state of war. Maybe it is time to call the fat little brat’s bluff. Russia’s Palin acts like he is worried, rightly so being so close to North Korea but he [as a KGB officer] was part of the Soviet Union that created communist China, North Korea and Vietnam. The Soviet Union was responsible for providing initial terrorist training as well. Unfortunately, it is not just Russia that will suffer the consequences.


hand_point2 – A sad day …. Margaret Thatcher, ally, champion against big government policies, aided in ending the Cold War and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and dear friend of Ronald Reagan passed away today. Known as the ‘Iron Lady’ she was 87.

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China: The Sleeping or Pretending To Sleep Dragon and Obama

Defend ConstitutionPutting all the recent mass shooting together and into prospective, the final analysis is: the federal and state governments (and municipalities) is the underlying cause that no one at Sandy Hook school was afforded the opportunity to defend themselves, despite a heroic moment when the school’s principal tried to disarm the lunatic assailant without being armed. It failed and little children died. The same federal government who let the same firearms they intend to take away from law-abiding citizens for defense (158 banned firearms that include pistols, rifles, and shotguns), be taken across our southern border (whose security fence system is still not completed after being approved during GW Bush administration) in the hands of drug cartels and criminals. That fiasco program was called Fast and Furious and the Attorney General responsible (Eric Holder) still has his job.

A second case against the federal government under questionable reasons why it continues to assault the inalienable rights of the Second Amendment is that this White House administration is responsible for the deaths of Americans at Benghazi. As the following video of a news broadcast reveals, investigators have had trouble getting cooperation from Obama and associates; unlike Reagan who dealt with the Iran-Contra Affair immediately as soon as it was discovered.

State of OUR Union: Jesse Ventura Interview with Alex Jones

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Odessa Files: Dysfunctional Foreign Policies of Barack Hussein Obama

Americans are war weary, much like what happened after World War II when the United States protected South Korea from communist forces from North Korea and China. It would be the first of a series of wars that would be described as “police actions”.
So, it is understandable that Ron Paul’s foreign policy views and his intent as to what to do with the US armed forces scattered around the world prepared to meet any challenge.
It is even more understandable because of the fact that the US has been in Afghanistan for ten years now, and we still haven’t totally disengaged from Iraq as far as troop deployment.
Along with BH Obama’s failure to keep campaign promises, (and Romney’s Massachusetts model as well) except strapping Americans with an expensive, intrusive, and useless national healthcare system; he did not fulfill his campaign promise concerning Iraq.

I agree with Ron Paul that we should focus upon the condition of our economy as well as focus upon stationing troops on the entire length of our southern border iDrug cartels are not only trafficking drugs and weapons/munitions, but they are establishing themselves in our urban areas across America; as well as threatening Texas ranches and farmers along our southern border.

Not only has President Obama not attended to the affairs and concerns of our national security at the southern border, but completely ignoredGovernor Rick Perry‘s request for support on the Texas border.
Whether it is because of Obama’s weak and useless foreign policy or a combination of other factors, Iraq is moving from a democratic model for the Near- and Middle-East to emulate to a police state. And, as Katie Kieffer points out in her February 6th article addressing Obama’s shortcomings –

Why did it take you three years to bring the troops home from Iraq? You broke the promise you made on March 19, 2008: “When I am commander-in-chief, I will set a new goal on Day One: I will end this war [in Iraq]. – I will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. We can responsibly remove one to two combat brigades each month.”

And here is the one that makes me personally angry: Obama being naïve thinking that Pakistan is our ally, when in fact, Obama bin Laden had a fortified compound near the Abottabad military academy in Pakistan. In addition:

Pakistan ignored the CIA and let China examine SEAL Team Six’s stealth copter tail technology. You gave the orders to kill bin Laden from the Situation Room but his capture and kill was the result of a cumulative effort over many years by many talented people.

Americans need a president that is capable of wearing two hats – one as the President of the United States, who is responsible for the welfare of the people and to oversee the diplomatic corps to ensure that US interests are met before any foreign interests are considered; and the other responsibility is duties as our Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. …

You failed to negotiate with the Taliban and distinguish between the Taliban and al Qaeda. Senior Diplomat Richard Holbrooke believed in negotiating with the Taliban. For, the Taliban used to be our allies and they are primarily concerned with keeping foreigners off their land. When you took office, you undercut Holbrooke’s authority and threw away his opportunities to broker peace with the Taliban and potentially ouster al Qaeda’s top lieutenants quicker and with minor loss of U.S. blood, treasure and military technology.

One of the big things that Obama emphasized on was accusing GW Bush of being a war hawk and other factors concerning the war against Islamic-fascism. And, despite telling the American people that he would veto the unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorizes the US military (not the local police or FBI), to arrest and imprison (indefinitely) American citizens without a trial or a lawyer. Among other constitutional violations, the act violates the 4th, 5th, and 6thAmendments. And, the Republican majority Congress DOES NOTHING.
An American citizen, because of that legislation, can be arrested for visiting a particular website or some other way of accusing someone of being a terrorist or part of some conspiracy. Hello! Wasn’t this the big thing against GW Bush who was depicted as a brown-shirt, Hitler-mustached Nazi on the Internet and tagged as a fascist in articles about the Patriot Act and other actions he took?
Are the rules different for members of the Democratic (Socialist) Party of America?
Apparently, because the media ignores much of the “negative” concerns and actions that this White House administration implements, as well as ignoring actions like that of Nancy Pelosi, who is wholeheartedly siding with President Obama in his attack on the liberties of the Catholic and other Christian churches in regards to birth control, condoms, et cetera.
It is NOT the business of government to socially engineer their ideology or policies upon the People of America, its taxpaying citizens, who are losing their rights and liberties more rapidly than ever before, as caused by the last three presidents – with the help of a “business-as-usual” Congress.
President Obama, just as in his State of the Union address, bragged about Afghanistan thus:
From this position of strength, we’ve begun to wind down the war in Afghanistan.
After Obama took office, there was a troop surge. I personally didn’t complain because I had taken it as an action to “get the thing over with” and pull out. However, we are still there and with little or no results. The economy sucks and America, as Ron Paul has stated several times, cannot afford the present and past foreign policies nor the $2 billion a week funding in Afghanistan that Obama and Congress authorized. Obama and his “advisers” – czars – did nothing when it leaked that Afghanistan ambassador,Umar Daudzai, was receiving $1 to $6 million every other month from Iran – the enemy of the United States and the free world. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been disrespectful and unappreciative while US troops are dying there and coming back crippled – PLUS – receiving, last year, $11.6 billion from the United States Treasury that holds the taxpayer funds of Americans to train Afghan security forces and other infrastructure costs.
I really don’t know why America/Americans must wait until November of this year to be rid of this guy – there is enough on him, excluding the continued accusations concerning his suspicious birth certificate and questionable place of birth. The Afghanistan government now in place is more loyal to Pakistan (a false ally) than it is to the United States, despite all that funding courtesy of the economically hurting Americans and its irresponsible government (White House and Congress).
The funding sent to Libya, reportedly $9.5 million per day, has done nothing to improve the conditions and situation there – another item to add to the long list of failed foreign policies enacted by the last three governments (White House and Congress).
Despite President Obama’s words (“crippling sanctions on Iran” and “I support Israell”) – his foreign policy jeopardizes Israel’s sovereignty as well as that little nation’s safety; a nation that is surrounded by enemies who want to dissolve that nation and exterminate its people; except for Egypt, whose former government had been working with the US and Israel in attempts for peace in that part of the world. As the administrations before Obama – all a failure, often more harm than good. Meanwhile, our government is doling out taxpayer funds to foreign nations. Despite the changed conditions in the form of aggression towards Israel, Egypt is still receiving an annual $1.5 billion in currency and military support. Despite Saudi Arabia’s treachery in the past and present, Obama still pushed for $30 billion sale of US fighter jets, that could be used against Israel in the not-too-distant future. If Israel is our ally, why are funding in cash, military sales and support, as well as purchasing the crude oil of that nation’s enemies?
We need a president to clean up our foreign policy and our government’s tendency to stick their noses in other nations’ affairs, when we have big trouble right here in America.
President Obama should be paying attention to Vali Nasr, Middle-East expert [see Bloomberg] who warns us of our past and present interventions in that region, specifically Iran. ii
Working with other national governments in terms of sanctions that will hopefully change the actions and policies of the Iran government; however, we rattle our swords in regards to Iran’s nuclear program, despite the fact that our Department of Defense has reported that Iran’s nuclear program is designed to be a deterrenceand defensive, at least for now.
Recently I overheard a conversation of two citizens living here at Door Peninsula, and when I asked why they supported Obama’s failed domestic and foreign policies, they simply stated: “I like Obama”. My question was why – and there was no answer.
Many Americans who foolishly supported Obama, like those who foolishly supported GW Bush, the GOP establishment’s poster boy in the primary elections; are always going to continue to make mistakes in who they use their voting power for. They complain about how things are and want “changes” – but vote for the same type of candidate or reelect those that have caused or contributed to the myriad of problems that require answers and responsible action.
i The several incidents and events that the Mexican government enacted and got away with – any other country would have declared war against Mexico. Literally, the government is sanctioning an invasion, and why not? Mexico boosts its economy with billions of dollars a year being sent to and spent in Mexico via illegal immigrants working here and sending money to Mexico.
ii Obama’s foreign policy blunder, one of them, was when he sided with the Muslim Brotherhood organization in 2009, which disenchanted President Mubarak, who had been and was willing to interact with the US in establishing more peaceful actions with Israel.