Ben Stein: We’ve Figured Him Out

Joan B., Illinois sent me an email that contained an article by Ben Stein, entitled We’ve Figured Him Out, [transcribed in this article] written back in July of 2009 that Americans should have paid attention to in election 2012. Some did, but not enough; and because the voting system has become broken, the practice of Democrats using dead people, voting more than once, allowing Black Panthers and Union thugs to intimidate people at voting places, and other voting fraud – Obama won the election. Now, if there are enough honest members in Congress, it will take impeachment to get rid of the imposter …Reports and murmurs of impeachment hearings, but nothing concrete, as Snopes [not objective when it comes to political subjects] points out. The mainstream media certainly won’t be helpful as they were for the Nixon scandal. Will an impeachment hearing have the same results as the Bill Clinton impeachment hearings?

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How Much More Corruption and Scandalous Acts Will It Take to Do Something?

An anonymous commentator wrote:

Calling an illegal alien an ‘undocumented immigrant’ is like calling a drug dealer an ‘unlicensed pharmacist’.

The latest government screw up in the Obama administration, who has done more to screw things up than any of the last three presidents, has allowed the ICE [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] to not only NOT enforce immigration laws [as at least three presidents before him], but has directed ICE to go to prisons, find illegal aliens and ask them” Do you qualify for President Obama’s DREAM Act?

The last time I looked, that DREAM Act did NOT pass congressional approval. You guessed it – inmates are released if they answer “Yes” to the question.

National ICE Council President Chris Crane stated

. You might want to mention that the DREAM Act was issued by executive order and not by Congress. And let’s not forget the boondoggle of the millennium – ObamaCare.

Those people in prison are not there because they crossed our border illegally, but are criminals who broke other laws, some violent.

You can find your congressional representatives HERE. Your senators HERE.

MoonBattery Daily Caller – main sources. This is not the first time that criminals have been turned loose into various places in the United States.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Instead of a Trial, Former Secretary of State Receiving an Award

Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State who resigned in the midst of a serious scandal in Benghazi that caused, along with the President, the death and injury of Americans serving there is now the recipient of National Constitution Center 2013 Liberty Medal. A slap in the face for those who have suffered from her corrupt career life in politics and the law office she was part of early in her husband’s career, but people like Nancy Pelosi are thrilled. It makes about as much sense as Al Gore and Barack Obama receiving a Nobel Prize.

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Reality: What A Concept, Wading Through the Muck of Information

Spy vs Spy, MAD magazine, Antonio Prohias

Spy vs Spy, MAD magazine, Antonio Prohias

In my youth I was a fan of Mad magazine published by EC Comics. In Issue #60, dated January of 1961, Spy vs. Spy© debuted as a wordless comic strip created by Antonio Prohias, a Cuban cartoonist who faced threats of arrest and execution by the newly ordained communist leader, Fidel Castro. It is the false accusation that Prohias was considered a spy by the Castro regime that initiated the cartoon series. The cartoon depicted one spy dressed in black and another dressed in white constantly trying to do each other in.

Fast track to the 1990s when Prohias retired because of his health and died at age 77 in February 1998. The strip continued with writer Duck Edwing and artist Bob Clarke, and in magazine #356 (April 1997), Peter Kuper took over as writer and artist. The characters, including the Grey Spy added in 1962 (female) became a Sunday comic strip released in 2002 and in 2004, the characters were used in television commercials for Mountain Dew soft drink. Milton Bradley produced a Spy vs. Spy board game and video games were produced in three formats, one being Nintendo. In 2005 video games, Red and Blue Spies appeared and between 2006 and 2009 a series was published entitled Spy vs. Spy Jr. depicting spies as children.


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Americans Should Be Outraged – Demand Justice

Of all the scandals floating around Washington, congressional committees busily trying to sort it out, the two most serious are: Benghazi incident and the IRS scandal. The first has to do with the death of Americans serving our country and the other is a well-established and most hated/feared agency in the federal government.

The Benghazi tragedy occurred before election day 2012. So it makes me wonder why after all this time why nothing is being done about it. It has been clearly established that the order to “Stand Down” was given more than once, after repeated requests for assistance as three brave men fought off overwhelming odds in terms of numbers and firepower for SEVEN HOURS!

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State of OUR Union: June 3rd 2013

John Stossel [Gas Myths] A Testament that it is government that is cheating Americans, not oil companiesThe oil business is fiercely competitive. If one company charges a penny too much, other companies steal its business. Apple’s profit margin is about 24 percent. McDonald’s makes 20 percent. Oil companies make half that. Per gallon, Exxon-Mobil makes about 7 cents. Governments, by contrast, grab about 27 cents per gallon. That’s the average gas tax. If anyone takes too much, it’s government. … Almost no one seems to speak up for a true free market in energy, with competition, innovation and unfettered consumer choice. People say regulation is needed to counter industry ‘greed.’ But if anyone’s greedy here, it’s government — and unlike oil companies, government doesn’t have to work hard and compete to give you good service at the lowest possible price. Government just sits there, telling companies to charge less, telling car companies to make smaller and more dangerous cars, mandating and subsidizing alternative fuels like ethanol — and then telling us that we benefit from the politicians’ efforts. The truth: We rarely benefit.

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Retired USAF Colonel Explains What Should Have Happened at Benghazi

If you were President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of US Armed Forces and responsible for embassies and ambassadors around the world, would you put a Las Vegas fund-raiser in more importance than saving US personnel in Benghazi?

That is exactly what this pretender to the office of the President of the United States did. He gave the order to “stand down” and went back to bed in order to get rest for his next day fundraiser in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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ODESSA Files: Scandals, Scandals, and More Scandals

Scandals of the Obama administration is just piling up and it seems the mainstream media just does not care – and Obama has proven how far his corruption can go. If Congress does not do what he wants, use executive orders. If there are political enemies, in this case, the Tea Party movement organization, use the IRS, Gestapo of the US government, to punish them. Taxation in the Constitution, as well as discussion in the Federalist Papers and correspondence of Thomas Jefferson and other Founders clearly state that taxation is for funding government operation – NOT to punish a sector or individuals in society.

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Anti-Gun Forum, Benghazi Hearing, and School Shooting Update

As the anti-gun useful idiots continue their ranting, at one meeting, a veteran spoke up (see video below], especially after Nazi pictures were shown that represented the NRA as neo-Nazi. Lie. The Nazi took away firearms from citizens, leaving then only in the hands of the SS, the military, and the German law enforcement officers. The meeting took place in Chicago, one of the most crime ridden places in America, whose had three governors serve time in prison, and whose draconian unconstitutional gun control is against the 2ndAmendment and 48 other states. The audio has an echo, but you get the picture. The anti-gun and anti-concealed carry person asked if we needed citizens to be armed today, meaning modern society does not need to defend itself.

Obama File: Poor Policies, Scandals, and BenghaziGate is NOT Going Away

Barack Obama the “great” president For the People …

 Your going to be successful if you get your ego out of it.

The American voter, in majority and if all the votes were legal, have decided to keep BH Obama another four years; and like his declared hero, FDR, has increased government intrusion upon the private sector, is stacking the Supreme Court, and continues with failed policies. The American voter has chosen someone whose job reference was “community organizer” over a successful, tried and proven executive who is perceptive in removing the red line in budgets and a record of being a true government organizer.
After all, which is easier to swallow? … Democrat false promises and failed policies or Republican establishment poster boy chastised for telling the truth about the “forty-seven percent”?
[Videos sponsored by American Crossroadsorganization]
Glenn Beck’s BenghaziGateinvestigation … wishful thinking that Obama would be busted with impeachment hearings for his list of corruption and lies. It would take congressional members with intestinal fortitude to overcome claims of “racism” and whatever in order to initiate such a hearing-trial. Beck provides good explanation of events and important questions that the American voter should have been considering in the last national election. But, hey, Obama provides free cell phones to “poor” people … This is the man who mysteriously was nominated and won a Nobel Peace Prize.
The enemies of the United States can back off … we are going to cause our own downfall without anyone’s help.
Obama’s entire political career has had more unanswered questions than any other political figure in US history – but the “people” still believe he is their savior.

The kicker is that the GOP poster boy’s record as Governor and candidate made people wonder if he could truly reform what is needed for the United States. His slip-ups during the campaign with no counter against the Obama propaganda assault is really his downfall, and that downfall reiterates the truthful statement made about the “forty-seven percent”.
There were at least three issues (including Benghazi) for a justifiable reason to impeach President Obama in his last tenure. What makes anyone think that there are enough in Washington to carry out what was not done during the last four years?
There are justifiable reasons to impeach, but we lack the brave to stand up for principles and liberties.

I find skepticism to be the key descriptive word when it comes to the views of We the People versus the federal government.